Chapter 16 - Led By The Heart

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Thomas wouldn't leave her side. Newt tried to get him to sleep, to rest - but he wouldn't even eat. He wondered how long Thomas would keep it up; it was cruel, but the way things were looking neither Thomas or Teresa had long.

Another part of Newt wanted to join Thomas. When he'd hugged her, she'd collapsed, and had been unconscious ever since. That was three days ago. Jeff and the others were doing all they could, but Newt found no comfort in this... That didn't matter if it wasn't enough.

Minho was on a different planet. The leader hardly slept either, but because he was so busy trying to figure out what the hell had, and was, happening. He always walked around the settlement in a hurry now, and beneath his eyes were scarred with shadows.

The bodies had been burned now; Newt remembered that night with a shiver. They way the black smoke had plumed above them, poisoning the air and filling his lungs with the smell of death. But hardest had been watching the fire lick the grim white faces of so many innocent people, taken by death for, they knew, no apparent reason. They had no idea where they'd come from or from whom; they were relying solely upon Teresa knowing... If she woke up.

Of course she will. She did last time!

That was different.

Brenda was also finding it hard - she'd not seen Thomas in days since he wouldn't leave Teresa's side. Newt felt bad for her but he tried not to think about it too much... There was something else on his mind.

Namely, Marley.

She'd been in the slammer since that evening. Minho and many of the other's blamed her for what had happen: even Newt had to admit it was strange. He was sure she had to know something... He felt it in his core that she did. Yet all he really wanted was to hold Marley. Watching Thomas and Teresa made him miss her so, so much.

She was to be re-trialed tomorrow. Newt felt no pain for her on the surface - it was only deep In his heart where it hurt. More than anything he was angry at himself! How could he have trusted her after everything? 

Minho had been right again.

His heart overshadowed his head, and when that happened?

He just got hurt. Every. Single. Time.

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