Chapter One

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Today was like any other day, Beth was making breakfast. The kids were getting ready to go to school. I wad getting ready to go to the studio to record for my new album. You may think, Jacob, why would you stay with her. She killed your friends. She had you trapped in the house. Well after I asked her to be my girlfriend for the first time, I had a realization, that what I was doing was not right. We took a break from dating, an we got back together. Now we are happy, and that is what matters the most. Even thought the parents suspect that she has something to do with the murders, since Madison was one of our friends. They have tried to re-open the case, but they need all of them to approve, and some just do not want to.

"Jacob honey, you need hurry and stop day dreaming or you will be late." She warns me.

With that I head outside the door and take the kids to the schools that they go to. Sillon and Haaron are twins in the fifth grade, while Cash and Shaylor are also twins in the third grade, and finally are Jolinsky and Catthew who are also twins, in the first grade.

***Beth's POV***

Now it is my time to clean the house, yes I stay at home mother. You might be think that how does Jacob trust me with the children, when he is not home, because of the whole thing that I did. Well he just does, he knows that I would not hurt them, and I went to therapy to make me stop thinking about, killing and stuff like that.

As I was cleaning the house I look at a photo with all the boys in it and then it ht me, It is the twentieth anniversary of the boys. I have to go to the store to but the twenty-four roses.

After I was done cleaning half of the boys rooms, I get my keys and drive to the store. As I am picking the roses to make sure that nothing are wrong with them, I feel this sensation, that someone is looking at me. I look up and I did not see anyone. Huh, that was weird.

Now that I have the twenty-four, I make my way to the lane to check out. When I get there I see non other than Elizabeth Grier. She is glaring and giving me the death stare. If looks could kill I would be dead right about now.

"Hello Elizabeth." I said

"Hello Beth. Beth can we please talk, I need to tell you something important." She says with a smirk.

"Sure, after I pay for these." I tell her.

***After Beth pays for the roses***

"So what do you want to tell me Elizabeth?" I ask her

"I just wanted to tell you that we gave finally agreed to re-open the case, and bring you to justice." She said in a powerful tone.

"Well just between me and you, I was not the one who did it." I tell her.

"We'll see." She said leaving to get into her car.

I can not believe that this is happening to me. All I can do is hope and pray, that I did not leave any DNA on the evidence that they have. I need to tell Jacob when he gets back home.

***Jacob's POV***

All day I have had this feeling that I am forgetting something very important, but I can not think of right now. I really need to figure what it was, it is eating me alive.

As I make my way to office to go eat,I see a picture of all twelve boys, then it hit me. It was the twentieth anniversary. How could I be so dumb and forget about them. They were my best friends. I hope that Beth remembered to get the roses.

***Elizabeth' POV***

I make my way to the head police officer's office. On my way to his office I got the feelings that I got when I first found out that both of my boys were killed.

I was greeted by Officers Torres, he then said, "Hello Mrs. Grier, we have reviewed everything carefully, and we found new evidence on some of the weapons."

"New evidence? What is it?" I asked with shock.

"We found finger prints of a new girl by the name of Beth Hue. Do you happen to know who she is?" He asked.

"Yes, I do know who she is. I can tell you where she lives and everything." I tell him.

"Perfect." He stated.

I knew it was her from the beginning, she was shady to me, but no one believed me. Know that their is evidence on more than one weapon. She can rot in jail.

***Jacob's POV***

Once I open the door to our house I see the twenty-four beautiful roses, Beth had remembered. I was glad.

I made my way to the kitchen to see Beth making dinner. She looked sacred, like she just received really bad news. I wonder what it is.

"Beth, what are you so frantic?" I ask her

She looks into my eyes and says, "Because they finally agreed to open the case Jacob. What if they find my finger prints on some of the weapons. What are we supposed to do?"

I look at her and say, "Beth they won't find out, because you made sure not to touch anything without a glove right?"

"That's the thing I don't remember if I did that. What if I didn't? What I are we going to do?" She said with sadness.

"Look just pack for everyone, and if they come we can hide, or something." I tell her.

"Okay, I will do that right now." She said.

With that Beth left to the rooms to pack clothes for the emergency. Then I had a sudden realization, that if Beth becomes a suspect, that means I am her a complacent. What ever we were going to do had to be enough to keep us out of this mess and keep the kids safe.

Haunting Magcon(Sequel to Magcon Till Death)Where stories live. Discover now