Chapter Eight

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***Jacob's POV***

I was awakened by the screaming that was coming out of Beth's mouth. I get her and snuggle her against myself, in the attempt to calm her down. I can feel her hot tears hit my body, that's when I lift up her head. She had tears strolling down her face with her eyes closed.

She feels me holding her and she opens her eyes, they were filled with fear. I wanted to know what was happening. Was her nightmare that bad? I wonder what it was, and what happened?

"Beth, what was your nightmare about?" I ask her.

She looks at me fear and says, "It was at them."

I look at her confused and replied with, "Who is them?"

She looks down to the floor, "Them, as the boys."

I look to her and said, "What did they do? What happened?"

Still looking at the floor she opens her mouth and says, "I was at the house, and I wanted to get out, but I couldn't. Every time I would go somewhere, it would take me to where I killed the boys. It went in the order that I killed them in, the bodies where there, and ghosts would come out of them. The ghosts, would tell me things, that would make me feel bad, for ending their lives. After I went through the whole process, I was in the front of the house again, but this time they were all there. They huddled around me. They were all chanting, that I was going go pay for everything, that I was going to rot in jail. Then you came, and you started to tell me, that you didn't love me, and things in that nature. That is when I woke up screaming, in your arms."

I go over and hug her, I then say, "Beth you know that I love you, that was just a nightmare, that can't really happen."

"Yeah, I know, but what if it is a sign for me to just do the right thing. What, if they are trying to tell me that what I am doing is wrong. Jacob, I just need to turn myself in, so that I can get over this guilt that is eating me from the inside." She tells me with tears streaming down her face.

"Fine, you can turn yourself in, because I feel like I am being selfish, keeping you from what you want to do. I just need to accept that you have to do it, because this is not a life style that we can handle, nor the boys. So tomorrow,we are going back, so you can do this, for yourself." I tell her.

We go back under the covers, to get more sleep, for the trip tomorrow. Now that I think about I was being selfish, never thinking about her, and her health. I just wanted her to stay with me as long as possible. But I can't do this anymore, if it means that she is going insane, then the best option, is to go back. Plus, the kids need me, they need us, we can't just abandon them, that is not the right thing to do. So I have to accept this, that I will no longer have Beth on my side, but this is the best thing for all of us. All I can do now, is to get some sleep.

***Beth's POV***

I pretend that I fall asleep, I just can't stop thinking about everything. I know that I have to do this. It has to be like a band-aid, the slower I pull it off the more it's going to hurt. I know that the kids and Jacob will be devastated, when I am in prison, but I have to do this. No more running from this, I have to man up and do it.

I know that Jacob is not asleep I can feel his eyes just looking at me. I turn around, and I kiss him, I tell him that I love him, and he tells me that he loves me as well. I turn around and, and he raps himself around me. we are all snuggled up, that we both fall asleep.

***The Next Morning***

I wake up the the warmth that I call Jacob, oh how much I am going to miss waking up to him. I escape from his arms and shake him to get him to wake up. He does, and his eyes immediately go to me.

He looks at me and says, "Was that a dream last night, or did we agree on you turning yourself in?"

I make eye contact and tell him, "No it was not a dream, and we did agree on me turning myself in, I know that this will hurt you, but we can't forever."

"I know, but I was really hoping that it was a dream, because, I will miss waking up next to you." He says.

"I know, I will miss waking up next to you, I will miss the kids, but I just can't live like that anymore, and I know that you know, that this is the best choice for all of us." I tell him.

"Yeah, I know. Now we need to get ready and go home, so we can just get this over with, because the sooner, we do this,the less it is going to hurt to leave you go." He tells me with sadness, in his voice.

"I know it will hurt, but maybe, something can happen, and I won't get locked up for a long time, and if I do, maybe I can get some of my time taken away for good behavior." I tell him.

He just looks and nods at me. With that we start to get ready to return home. I am going to miss being free, but I just have to. Living with guilt and without my children is the worst thing in the world. I know that one day, they will understand, but for know, I do not know how they will react.

***Skips car ride***

We are finally here. He drives up to the station, I get off and mouth to him 'I love you', and he mouths it back. I make my way to the door, and once I open it I can see Officer Torres there.

He looks at me and says, "Well look who we have here, Beth Whitesides. A pleasure to have you here."


Go check out The Start Of Something New

By adrianrojo158

He is really talented, and his book it good as well, so please go check it out.

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