Chapter Nine

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***Beth's POV***

I know who that voice belongs to, it was Officer Torres. He had a smirk on his face, I wish that I could have wiped off the smirk on his face. He then says, "I'm glad that you could make it. We can finally stop the search. Now all we have to so is question you about everything that happened that day."

I nod and follow him to the the questioning room. We go down a long hallway, I tell myself that I will not blame anything on Jacob. He can't go done with me, the kids need a father figure in their lives. They can have their Grandmother as a mother figure for them, while I am away, for who knows how long. I will miss Cash, Sillon, Shaylor, Haaron, Catthew, and Jolinsky, they are my life, but I have to pay for what I did. This can't stay unpunished, I have to pay for what I did. I was to caught up in my thoughts , that I didn't realize that we were at the door of the room. He opens the door and makes a sign to tell me to go inside. I go inside and sit on one side of the table, and he sits on the other. He then says, "Are you ready to begin. " I just nod my head, up and down, and then we begin.

***3rd Person's POV***

Officer Torres is ready to ask all the questions, he was feeling good, that she was going  answer every questions truthfully. "So Beth, was it you that started the killing of all of the boys?" He asks. Beth looks uneasy, and says, "Yes, it was me, I was the one that killed of the guys, in that house." Officer Torres looks pleased that Beth responded truthfully, he thought that he was going to have to force it out of her. He then looks at her and says, "If it was you can you briefly explain how you killed each one?" He asked. Beth got more uneasy, she then says, "I killed Carter by turning off the lights, and slitting his throat. I killed Taylor, by smashing his legs with a sledgehammer, and then smashing his face with it. I killed Nash by stalking him then, sticking needles in his eyes, and smashing his head in to the wall so that the needles could have gone deeper in his head. I killed Cameron by cutting my sheet, and not telling anyone so that he could have fallen down and died. Hayes died, because I trapped him in my room and killed him by poisonous gasses. The cause of Matthew's death was because, I chased him and make sure he fell into my trap that was full of needles at the bottom. Dillon died when we separated into groups, and he fell for my trap and I made arrows hit him. Johnson died, because I trapped Gilinsky and him to chairs, read them riddles, Johnson got his wrong, and Gilinsly faked that he got his wrong. So to punish him I shot Johnson on the four head, and Gilinsky watched him die. Aaron was in the top five, and they had to answer questions, and he got three strikes so I shot him.  Sammy was in the top four, and they did the same thing, he got three strikes and I shot him. Gilinsky was in the top three, he was the one that got three strikes, so I shot him. Shawn was in the top two, it was either him and Jacob, and Shawn was the one that got the three strikes, so I shot him. That is how I killed all of them."

Officer Torres looks at Beth with horror, he thought to himself, how could a teenage girl do all that to twelve boys, was her hate for them was to the extreme.He then asked, "Did Jacob kill Madison because he wanted to save you, or because you made him to?" Beth knew what she was going to say, she was going to take all of the blame for everything. "I made him kill her, because I told him that if he didn't I was going to kill." I tell Officer Torres. He then proceeds to ask her questions. He then asked her the final question, he says "Did you force him to drive and hide you, or was it his idea to do all of that?" Beth didn't even have to think about whats she was going to say she just says, "It was all me,I was the one who told him to run and hide." He looks at Beth and says. "Well Mrs. Whitesides, that is all the questions that I have for you today, now your lawyer Alex Rojo will speak to you." She just nods, and he leaves.

***Alex's POV***

I know that this case will  be hard to win, since she killed twelve guys and one girl. It is going to be a miracle if I can save her life. I know that this will be a hard case, but I will not give up that easily. I know that I will have to put a lot of work to be able to work. I saw that Officer Torres was coming back, so I knew that it was my turn to go talk to her. I started my way to the room that she was being held at. It was a very long walk, but I finally reach her room. I open the door and there she was. She looks like she was hit by a bus, I guess that questions were to hard for her to handle. She lifts her head up and notices that I am here, she just looks at me. I pullout my hand, so that she can shake it. We shake hands and I tell her, "I am Alex Rojo, and I am your lawyer for now until this is over." She then says, "Nice to meet you, I am Beth Whitesides, but you should already know that." 

I just get to know her and, more about the story, and what happened  and everything. I then tell her, "Well I have to go and prep for court tomorrow, see you soon." She just waves me goodbye, and I open the door and wave at her as well. I wanted to know more about her, what the people in this town think of her. I go up to almost everyone and asked them questions about her. Most of them tell me everything that she does to help this town, like help at the soup kitchen, donate to the needy, and things in that nature. I know that I can use this to help her in the case, I just need to ask her if I can use that or not tomorrow. 

***The Next Day***

I make my way to court, and once I got there, I make my way to the room that she was being held at. "Beth I need to ask you something." I tell her. She then says, "What is it?" "Okay so yesterday, I went and talked to some of the people, and they told me that you do community service and help out the town a lot, is that true?" I tell her. She looks at me confused and says, "Yes I do why?" I look at her and tell her, "Because with your permission, I can use this in court and maybe, this can help you, and keep you out of prison, so can I use it?" She looks happy and says, "Of course you can use that, if you think it will work to my advantage than you can use it." I was so happy that she said yes, and then I tell her, "Okay, thanks now it is time for us to go to court lets go." We both leave the room and make our way to the court room, I just hope that we can win this.

Haunting Magcon(Sequel to Magcon Till Death)Where stories live. Discover now