A Fight Breaks Out

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Albus let out a shaky breath as he stared at the Gargoyle as it twisted back into place. Gellert slid an arm around Albus' waist, pulling him close, the Gryffindor leaning into the hold gratefully.

Nicolas huffed in disgust as best he could, still nursing his bleeding nose.

Gellert looked at him with distaste, tucking Albus gently into his collarbone without saying anything to further upset his boyfriend.

Nicolas had no such qualms, "Your relationship is unnatural."

Gellert's face hardened, hate suddenly pooling in his eyes even as Albus pulled away from him, determined to protect his boyfriend from the other boy's onslaught.

"Shut it Nicolas, you have no idea what you're talking about." He said, glaring at the other Gryffindor.

Nicolas rolled his eyes as he retorted, "A Gryffindor and a Slytherin? Hah, you won't even last a year, all you are is a disgrace to the house name."

Before Gellert could react, Albus stood up straighter, pulling the Slytherin cloak tighter around himself as his eyes flashed, "If anyone's the disgrace it's you! How dare you accuse me of being a traitor to Gryffindor for actually attempting to follow the traits of our house! You are just a bully who uses the Gryffindor emblem to terrorise others who don't deserve it!"

"What the hell Dumbledore!" Nicolas shot back, "You are literally holding hands with the enemy right now!"

Albus simply tightened his hold on Gellert's hand, "And who made Slytherin the enemy?! We should strive for house unity not divisions, most of the Slytherins are actually nice, they are just responding to the Gryffindor bullshit you lot come up with! I refuse to put up with it anymore."

Nicolas blinked in shock as Albus leant back against his boyfriend, Gellert running his hands up and down the Gryffindor's arms to ground him. Albus smiled gratefully at his boyfriend and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

At that action Nicolas seemed to recover his senses and sneered at them, "You believe the snakes over your own house? How shallow could you be to challenge my knowledge of my house traits when you have just betrayed them!"

"What the hell is brave and courageous about bullying Nicolas!" Albus snapped back.

Gellert smirked at the other Gryffindor over Albus' head, happy to know his boyfriend could protect himself.

Nicolas appeared to pick up on this and he switched his attention back to Gellert, aware he was getting nowhere talking to Albus, "Not so brave now snake huh? Feeling the need to hide behind your boyfriend?"

Gellert's smile dropped instantly, "How dare you Bitterwood! My boyfriend is more than capable of defending himself against trash like you without my help."

Finally, the head of Slytherin swished into the corridor, interrupting whatever retort Nicolas' tiny brain had come up with next. Knowing better than to be rude to a teacher, especially a Head of House, he turned to sucking up, "Sir, please would you stop my poor, broken nose from bleeding? I fear Grindelwald has done permanent damage."

The Slytherin teach barely spared a glance at him, tone dismissive, "The bleeding is slowing down, you can visit the infirmary later. I highly doubt you will have a permanent disfigurement, and if you do that will teach you not to get onto fights next time."

Nicolas' mouth dropped open but he went ignored as the Slytherin Head turned to his own charge and the Gryffindor stood supporting him.

The Slytherin teacher knelt down gracefully, robes swung out behind him, "Sit down both of you."

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