Secret relationship - chapter 1

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You are on a plane, back home to Australia. You visited the boys on tour and now they're taking a break. Since a week you and Ash are in a relationship but you didn't tell anyone yet. You are sitting between Ash and Mikey, Luke's and Cal's seats are in front of you. Everyone is asleep, except for you and Ash. You are laying in his arms, his head on yours.
"Babygirl?", he whispers.
"Yeah, babe.", you say.
"You know that I love you?", Ash asks.
"I love you, too.", you answer and give him a kiss.
Michael starts to say something you can't understand and you wince.
"Don't worry babe. He talks in his sleep sometimes." Ash gives you a kiss on your head.
You cuddle even closer to him and try to sleep.
At the airport Michael gives you strange looks but you ignore them. How could he know something? He was asleep.
The next day you five meet at Michael's. In his man cave you play some video games. Ash, Luke and Cal are playing, Mikey and you are having a break.
"I'll go and get some food.", Michael says. "Can you help me?", he asks you.
You nod.
In the kitchen he puts some food in the microwave and you two wait for it to get hot.
"What's going on there between you and Ash?", he asks out of the blue.
"What do you mean?", you ask him, afraid that he could now something.
"Well. You are giving each other these looks, you are spending more and more time together without us and you two seem happier. So what is going on their between you and Ash?"
"Nothing.", you say. "We're just good friends."
"Okay.", he nods and takes the food out of the microwave. "Let's go back to the others."
You follow him.
In the man cave the five of you eat and after you played a little bit again you leave the house. Calum and Luke on their own and you are driving with Ash to his house.
As you are cuddling in his bed, you tell him about yours and Michael's conversation.
"Would it be that bad, if he would know it?", Ash asks you.
"No, it's just ... I don't want it to be official yet. Like it's a big deal, if Ashton Irwin is in a relationship, you know. And I don't think I'm ready to be the reason for destroyed dreams of fangirls."
"They would be cool wi..."
"No.", you interrupt him. "Ash, I was a fangirl, too for a very long time and I am still fangirling sometimes. When the boy of your dreams gets a girlfriend it's not easy, it doesn't matter, if he's a rockstar or not. You love him and it hurts, if you know that you are not the one for him. I don't wanna hurt the fam. They're my sisters."
"Alright. We'll wait and see how it goes but I promise you, baby: you're my favourite fangirl."

You are shopping with the boys. Nobody knows that you and Michael are a couple since like a month. The boys are currently trying on some clothes. Calum gets out of the changing cubicle, wearing (what a surprise) black skinny jeans and a simple red shirt.
"What do you think?"
"You should definitely wear red more often. Damn!"
"Do I look hot?" Calum asks raising his eyebrows.
"Definitely." You answer.
Michael's head comes out of his stall, he seams to be not happy.
"What did you say? Cal's not as hot as me." He leaves the changing cubicle in black skinny jeans, a white T-Shirt and a black and red leather-jacket.
"Wow." You say.
"Close your mouth! You'll open it when you'll see me." Ash comments. He turns up wearing black skinny jeans and a black and white shirt.
"Not bad." You nod.
"Not bad?" Ash says with a confused look. "I love it." He says.
"Luke, are you ready?", Michael asks.
Luke is wearing black skinny jeans, as always and a black shirt with the words "music is better than love".
"What a statement." Mikey comments on his shirt.
"Who needs love when there's music?"
"I do!" You and Mikey say simultaneously.
"What?", Calum gives you two a confused look.
"Whatever." Luke says.
The boys change back into their own clothes, you pay and drive to Ash's.
You are on your way from the toilet back to the living room when Luke turns up in front of you.
"So you and Michael, huh?"
You give him a confused look.
"Oh c'mon! Love over music? You two love music so much, the not-in-love - versions of you would've said 'music over love'."
"Luke. That's bullshit."
He raises his eyebrows.
"Really." You try to get out of this. "Michael is one of my best friends and let's be honest, him and me as a couple? That would never work."
"Actually I ship you two, but okay." Luke replies and makes his way to the bathroom.
Later that night, when Mikey and you are laying in your bed, you tell him about yours and Luke's talk.
"... Are you mad at me cause I kind of denied you?"
"No. Why should I? How could I? I am not ready to make it official yet. There will be problems and I need to prepare for that. Specially how to tell the fans."
"Yeah." You agree "that will be tough. I hope they won't hurt themselves because of that."
Michael nods. "We'll work this out." He says "Together."

You and Ash worked at KFC and since that you two are very close friends. Now you're at college and he's on tour with his band. You know the boys since 2011, when Ash joined the band. Before the tour started you and Calum kissed but then the others came in so you couldn't talk about it.
Today's the day. The boys are returning. Tomorrow will be their last concert. It's in Sydney so you will be there with their family and friends.
"(Y/N), are you okay?", Lauren asks you. The families, some friends and of course a lot of fans are waiting for the boys at the airport.
"I'm fine.", you answer. "Just quite nervous."
"Nervous? I am simply excited for Ash.", she smiles at you and you nod.
You hear girls screaming. That means the boys have arrived.
You wait and wait and wait.
You're nibbling at your fingernails when someone hugs you from behind.
It's Ash. "Hey babygirl."
"Ash.", you smile.
While you two hug each other you see Calum with Alex, a close friend of him. He notices you and smiles shyly. You wave.
You are at home. It's late. You hear your phone buzzing. It's a text from Cal.
Cal: >> Can we talk? <<
You: >> Course <<
Cal: >> I'm waiting outside. <<
You: >> WHAT??? Do you know what time it is?! <<
Cal: >> please <<
You: >> on my way <<
"Hi Calum."
"Let's walk."
You are going through the streets of Sydney, not saying a word.
"Did you like it?", he asks suddenly.
"The kiss?"
He nods
"Yeah, I liked it."
"Me, too.", he says. "I couldn't stop thinking about it."
You nod "I know what you mean."
"Do you wanna try it?"
"Yeah, I think I wanna try it. I KNOW I want to."
He smiles, his hands in your waist he pulls you close when it happens for the second time. You kiss.
"Cal?", you ask after you kissed.
"Yeah?", he looks afraid.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to ... You know ... Official and so on?"
"Ummm. No. Let's take things slowly."
You agree. "I don't wanna hurt the fans."
"What counts now is us." He smiles at you.
You nod and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go back to mine."

You are on tour with the boys in America. You help them wherever and whenever you can. The fans don't know you so you can do something in public without getting mobbed. You clean the tour bus, cook, wash their clothes, buy some stuff the boys need and listen to their worries. They've started to call you 'the tour-mom'. Two weeks ago you and Luke kissed. Since then it happened again and again and again. But nothing more. You didn't talk about it yet. Today you wanna do it.
You are on the bus, cooking, when Luke comes in, the others are out, walking through the town. They'll be back in a few hours. That means enough time to talk. He hugs you from behind and gives you a kiss on the neck.
"Smells good."
"Hope it'll taste good.", you answer.
"I'm sure it will. I'll take a nap."
"Sit down."
He takes a seat and you start talking. "Luke, what is ... THIS?"
"What?", he asks.
"This THING with us?"
"Honestly. I don't know. But I enjoy it." He stands up. "I enjoy your kisses, your lips on mine, your hands in my neck, on my back." He's standing right in front of you now.
"Me, too.", you whisper.
He leans in and you kiss.
You pull him closer. It gets pretty intense when you feel something wet and warm on your back. You turn around. "Shit!", you yell.
You knocked the pot with the pasta over. Luckily it wasn't boiling yet.
"Don't worry.", Luke says. "I'll fix this and you'll get changed."
The pasta is boiling and Luke is standing in front of it. You smile. He's so cute.
"Did you put salt in it?", you asks.
"What?", a shocked Luke turns his head to you. "No, do I have to?"
You nod and put some salt to the noodles.
"(Y/N)?", you hear Luke saying.
"Yeah?" You turn around.
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"
"I'd love to." You smile.
After you kissed again for like three minutes he asks you: "Would it be okay, if we'd keep it a secret at first. I mean, don't think I'm embarrassed, I would love to make everyone jealous but I don't want to hurt the fans and - and that's the main reason - I don't want you to get mobbed or to get hate. It would hurt me to see you hurt."
You nod. "I understand that. I don't wanna hurt the fans, either. I'm a part of the fam and there are many Luke girls out there, trust me. I'm afraid what they would do to themselves when they find out you're given."
"Okay. Then let's enjoy the next few hours until the others come back."

Sorry for not updating for so long. I have final exams at the moment and that means studying, studying, studying.

I will continue these stories from time to time. This was the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. It would be nice, if you could leave some comments. Tell me what you think about it, so I can get better. :)

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