Dad!Rex x Daughter

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Thank you so much <3, sadstrarwarsfan14! I am so sorry this took so long!

A/N: Sorry to people dealing with my slow updates, like REALLY slow. Thanks to everyone who've stuck around this long <3.

⚠️TW⚠️ DO NOT READ IF you are uncomfortable with self-harm and blood being mentioned!

Mando'a Translation:

Ad'ika- sweetie

Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I love you


"Ad'ika, I'm home. Sorry, I forgot to call ahead, but I got back early. As an apology, I've brought home a surprise for you," the blond-haired clone says as he opens the door to his apartment. Walking into his and his daughter's place they call home, a few of her uncles follow behind. Fives, Echo, Kix, Jesse, and Tup suggested they should see their niece after their mission. Rex happily agreed to the men's proposition, knowing that Y/N is always excited when they come over.

Rex wasn't tense because he hadn't received a response. Y/N can easily be in the refresher or listening to music on her holovid in her room. This quickly changes for Rex when all the clones hear noises from the kitchen. Following a high-pitched clatter, there was a loud thud. All the soldiers' heads turn to the kitchen and automatically run toward the sound.

"Y/n!" Rex exclaims, his eyes widening at the sight he ran into. His stomach churns, and he stands frozen at the doorway as if he had been hit with a blaster on stun. Y/N lay on the floor, blood pooling around her from her arms and legs. She had passed out from blood loss; a knife is on the floor next to her limp hand. Her hair surrounds her head like a halo; she would've looked like an angel if her face wasn't turning a sickening pale.

Kix immediately takes action, bending down to his niece's side and checking for a pulse. He sighs in relief as he finds it; it was faint, but it is the only sign she is still alive. He turns his head, meeting concerned eyes.

"I need the emergency kit, a bowl of warm water, and towels," the medic demands, turning his head back to his patient. Fives and Echo immediately run out of the room looking for the towels and the emergency kit. Tup reaches into the cabinets, grabbing a big bowl, before going over to the sink. He doesn't waste any time and immediately turns the water to the warmest setting. Jesse turns to Rex, who is still in the same spot, the captain's eye not leaving the scene.

"Rex, you need to get out of your head and be in this moment with your daughter," Jesse snaps, getting into his face. This seems to do the trick as Rex snaps out of his trance and runs over to his daughter's side, and his eyes trail over her body, glancing over the wounds. He takes her bloody hand into his own, not caring about the blood transferring onto his hand.

Tup hurries back over with warm water in the bowl. Fives and Echo entered shortly after with the emergency kit and towels, as requested. Kit dips one of the towels in the water, dampening the corner before he starts to clean her wounds. He works to the best of his abilities as the blood keeps coming out of the wounds. The once-light gray towel immediately turns crimson once the damp towel makes contact with Y/N skin. The clear, warm water quickly becomes stained red as the bloody towel is rung out and placed back into the bowl.

The rest of the men in the room feel completely useless, not being able to do anything except watch the medic trying to save their niece's life and the father on his knees holding onto his daughter's bloody hand like it is a lifeline.

Kix has never felt so under pressure until now; this was a completely different situation than what it would be on a battlefield. Instead of trying to save his brother's life, he needed to save his niece's life. This wasn't like there were more than thousands of his brothers that could take his place if one of them fell; there is only one Y/N in this world, and he intended on keeping her alive. His mind focuses and he does the procedure like he has done it so many times before, acting as if it was from an explosion rather than its true cause, allowing him to not lose concentration.

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