{Not All Nightmares Are Bad}

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Nightmare is the ruler of negativity, ruthless and a sadistic little shit who cares about nobody but themself and only feels negativity and HATES everybody and everything, right..?


Nightmare, yes is the ruler of negativity, but they care, and while yes they do feed on our negativity, that doesn't mean they are bad. They feel things, they feel happiness, sadness, fear, love. And not LOV, but actual love.

Let me show you..

A small skeleton dressed in purple is quietly sitting under a tree while reading a book. They have a golden crown with a crescent carved in the middle. They have some scratches, scars, and chips in their bones. And though it's weird, some bruises, now you might be wondering 'how does a skeleton get bruises' and 'who even are they?', well for the first one, this is a skeleton with magic, they can bleed, feel, and do other things because they are alive, they can't take off their head though or anything really without them getting hurt, and for the second one, this is Nightmare. You might be wondering 'How are they Nightmare?!' well it's better to just show you then to explain.

Nightmare was under the tree reading their chapter book, even though they are 6 that doesn't mean they can't be smart. Nightmare was reading until they felt something hit their skull, they knew what this meant...suddenly multiple things hit them, and finally something stronger and bigger hit them, they got kicked..suddenly someone grabbed the collar of their shirt and brought them close to a human, they then saw who the attackers were, one human , one Fox monster, and two goat monsters. The child started whimpering as they knew what was happening. Suddenly one of the goat monsters pulled out a bat and smiled, this caused Nightmare to be even more scared. Suddenly they felt something hit their head, hard..they felt pain and something cold dripping down their face, staining the grass in purple..it was blood...they let out a scream when the bat hit their foot, breaking it, more blood..suddenly something hit their back causing another scream to erupt from their mouth as they were knocked down, pain was visible in their face 'they're right' they thought 'it's my fault' 'I don't deserve love' 'I deserve this...' and with that, more pain and blood came..

Nightmare was patching up themself as one thing one of the attackers said rang though their skull 'You will never be good enough! You will just be some worthless monster!'

'Maybe I can prove them wrong' they thought after they were done patching themselves up. They looked up the tree to see black and golden apples. They got up, stumbling a little, they climbed up the tree using all their strength. They were right in front of a golden apple, they reached out to grab it when all of a sudden the branch they were on began to snap, they hurriedly grabbed the apple and the branch snapped, causing them to break one of their hands, they winced in pain until they saw the apple. They grabbed onto it, when suddenly the apple started turning black, they stumbled up, still holding the apple, all of a sudden they heard a yell "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" they looked up and saw the villagers with weapons and they did NOT look happy. They knew they would try to kill them, they just knew it, they looked at the now black apple and teared up, knowing what they had to do. They bit the apple.

They looked around and saw their twin, they were stone, they teared up. This wasn't supposed to happen...

Hey it's me :) sorry I didn't write more but that was all I wanted for this chapter and 635 words isn't bad. Anyways I'm going to be updating this while waiting for people to vote on my other stories

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