{Chapter 5-The Meeting}

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Huge thanks to breadthedead who helped me write this chapter!
When Nightmare left the portal they were in front of a castle, it was huge and was a soft baby yellow.

Huge thanks to breadthedead who helped me write this chapter!•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•✎•When Nightmare left the portal they were in front of a castle, it was huge and was a soft baby yellow

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(this yellow)

They looked up at the door for a couple of minutes before they opened it, inside there were multiple important people, such as Error 404, KM, Bill, Omnipotent, and infected. 404 was fighting with infected(verbally), Bill and Omnipotent were talking, well..Bill was talking and Omnipotent was just ignoring him, and KM was sitting in a proper way while drinking tea. Nightmare eventually went over and sat down, making Bill turn his attention to her "And who are you?" Bill asked as Nightmare started to get herself tea "I am Nightmare, guardian and ruler of negativity" Nightmare answered "And who might you be?" she asked him. He smirked "Names Bill, Bill cypher, say princess, wanna make a d-" "Leave her alone Bill" Nightmare turned her head to the voice, it was KM. Bill looked annoyed "Awww come on, can't I make a harmless deal?" Bill said while extending his hand slightly "Shut up Bill" this time it was 404.

"Ugh! Fine! You guys are no fun!" Bill said before teleporting to a seat. Nightmare nodded to 404 and KM as a way of saying thank you "So, you're also royal hm?" KM asked Nightmare "Yes, I am, and you are King Multiverse correct? The King of the whole Multiverse?" "Please, just call me KM" Nightmare smiled at him "Ok, well KM, is it true you have all 8 human SOULs?" Nightmare asked, curious "Yes, I do" he said while taking his crown off to show Nightmare the human SOULs.

Nightmare looked at the crown in child-like wonder as KM put the crown back while laughing a bit.

After About 40 minutes of talking later

Finally the people who were hosting the meeting arrived "Welcome everyone! We may have been a tEEnsie bit late" everyone turned their heads to them, while 404, KM, and Nightmare got dressed, Bill, Omnipotent, and the people holding the meeting were wearing their casual clothes(they don't know about the people holding the meeting they were just told it benefits them) the person who spoke out was wearing a white hoodie with a plaid jacket, they were wearing jeans with black boots and they also had fingerless gloves and had light brown skin with long, dark brown hair, the other, who was hiding behind the person had a mask on and their skin seemed to be sickly pale(almost white), their hair was short and black with blue highlights, and they were wearing a black baggy hoodie with a big green smile on the middle and it also had words on the sleeves which were 4 different places such as New York and Paris. They were also wearing shorts to show many scars on one leg and around 2 bandages with some occasional scratches on the other and they were wearing white sneakers, they seemed to be nervous.

Nightmare looked shocked at the two 'THE PEOPLE HOLDING THE MEETING ARE CHILDREN?! AND HUMANS?!' she thought, then calmed herself down "Hello" Nightmare could feel the person behind the extrovert felt excitement when Nightmare talked. This left her confused but she didn't really pay any attention to the human "What are your names?" she asked "I'M BREAD AND TOASTERS ARE HORRIBLE!! And they're.." Bread then whispered "hey do you wanna say your name or should I?" which no one heard "I'm I0w0a, or Ali..whichever you prefer" their voice was slightly hushed but it was loud enough for all of them to hear 'Such odd names, but I can't be the one to talk with my name as Nightmare' she thought.

"So, how are children like you going to help us? And you're humans nonetheless" KM questioned, the others seemed to agree "Hey! Don't judge a book by its cover" Bread huffed while CROSSing their arms "Hey," the nervous looking person said while extending their arm slightly as if they were going to wave "the way I can help is I know what happens in the future." I0w0a said, everyone became shocked "And, do tell, how can you prove this?" Nightmare could feel Ali getting exited, they moved out from behind Bread allowing the others to see their scared leg causing Nightmare to flinch a bit. They pointed at the teapot "That is going to fall" everyone then looked at the teapot and stared at it. They waited a minute until looking back at Ali(besides bread) "So you're lyi-*SMASH*" just then the teapot broke and I0w0a smiled sweetly "So? That could very well have been a coincidence." Omnipotent said. Ali frowned before smiling again "Fine then. 404 is going to hit Bill during the meeting" they said, seemingly happy. The others were shocked, but shook it off, they would have to wait until the meeting "Oh! And Nightmare, you're going to get a lot of good surprises in the future" they said happily. Nightmare froze before smiling.


"So, what's in it for you?" 404 asked, skeptical, Bread smirked and Ali answered "Entertainment" the others looked confused, they would give them 2 things they wanted(if it wasn't evil) if they get entertained? "And no, not my entertainment, Bread, and the others" they all seemed shocked, who are the others(it's you guys who are reading this🥰)?

"Damn, you're only doing it for others benefit? Not your own? I thought you were smart short stack" Bill said, I0w0a seemed mad at being called short. Just then 404 slapped Bill "Be respectful for Tobys sake!" Just then the realization hit everyone besides Bread and Ali, 404 slapped Bill, just like Ali said "That doesn't prove anything" KM said, I0w0a seemed annoyed before pointing to a picture"That will fall" all of a sudden it fell causing everyone to jump. They looked at Ali as she smirked, it was silent until Bread got bored and got the meeting going again.

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