{Chapter 3-A New Friend}

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It's been 3 months now, Nightmare and Error have gotten used to things, Nightmare tries not to be seen though, if they were they would be in big trouble plus they don't have anyone to protect them so Error goes with them most of the time.

Sometimes when they both decide to take a break they watch movies together, it's a funking miracle they aren't dating yet. Anyways I'm getting off track, Nightmare was currently spreading negativity in a AU, Error was out destroying so they were alone, they had to be EXTRA careful. All of a sudden something that hadn't happened in the past 3 months and Nightmare was hoping would never happen..they found them.

Nightmare was about to make a portal when an arrow shot right next to their hand, grazing it. They quickly turned to look at a face they wished they would never see again..Dream..."Brother please! Stop this!" Nightmare growled at him, who does he think he is?! Stealing everything from them and then bossing them around?! Nightmare ran as fast as they could, hoping to lose him so they could create a portal. This went on for about 20 minutes, they were completely out of breath, they never were athletic in anyway besides being flexible, which does come in handy when dodging arrows.

Eventually they bumped into someone, they had a lot of negativity in them..hate specifically. They looked up to see smoke and magic that seemed to take form of a skeleton "HEY WATCH IT!" He yelled at Nightmare. He had black bones? Smoke? Whatever and he had red eye sockets with white hollow eye lights, he also was made out of smoke and magic so his 'bones' were uuhhhhh smoking??? He wore all black and- it will be easier to show you...

 He had black bones? Smoke? Whatever and he had red eye sockets with white hollow eye lights, he also was made out of smoke and magic so his 'bones' were uuhhhhh smoking??? He wore all black and- it will be easier to show you

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No middle fingers, thats bad.

Nightmare was about to say something when they heard Dream coming, they quickly got up apologized and hid in a shadow of a tree, the weird 'skeleton' was confused until they heard someone "Hate.." their voice held anger and venom as they said his name "Ugh not you again, wheres your little buddies?" 'Hate' asked "None of your business, let's make a deal." Hate looked confused, he wasn't Bill?


Hate looked confused "What kind of deal?" he asked "I let you go if you give me a piece information I want." Hate was annoyed, he could easily teleport away, but he was slightly intrigued "What do you wanna know?" "Have you seen a black goopy skeleton with one eye socket?" Dream asked him, Hate was about to tell him just for the heck of it when he hesitated, for some reason he felt a slight connection to the skeleton. Not in a romantic way but a connection nonetheless "No, I haven't seen any stupid f*cking skeletons you tele-tubby reject" Hate answered Dream who sighed, he kept his part of the deal by portaling away.

Nightmare came out of the shadows and looked up at Hate "Thank you.." "Whatever" Hate growled, a bit embarrassed "Who the hell even are you? And why did that stupid banana want you?" Nightmare had to hold back another laugh at Hates insult "I'm Nightmare, Guardian and Ruler of Negativity," they said bowing slightly "nice to meet you".

Hate just gave a shrug and was about to leave until "Wait!" he turned around to face Nightmare "What?" "Well I was wondering if you had a place to stay..plus you look really lonely..." Hate was taken aback a little, no one had ever asked him anything remotely close to that "No I don't have a place to stay.." "Well if you want to I can give you a house..." "What's the catch?" "There is none" Hate was even more surprised.

'It wouldn't hurt to give someone a try..' Hate thought, he hesitantly answered "Fine.." and with that Nightmare smiled and opened a portal to their castle, Hate was surprised until Nightmare started going up the castles stairs. Hate was following Nightmare until they stopped at a door next to one that said '𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓮' "Your name is Hate right?" "Yeah, but can you remind me of your name again?" he said sternly, Nightmare smiled slightly while they summoned a knife in their hand "My name is Nightmare" they said, carving '𝓗𝓪𝓽𝓮' into the door. Hate then looked at the door and back at Nightmare "Why?" "Why what?" "Why do you want me here?" "I..I know what it feels like to be alone...I don't want anyone else to experience that." Nightmare replied. Hate nodded before opening his door and closing it. He then jumped in his bed, he never had a bed before 'Comfy...' he thought 'today has been weird, I'll just go to sleep..' he thought and with that he slowly drifted to sleep.


Hi sorry this isn't that good, I'm kinda tired so imma go to sleep now so byeeee

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