{Chapter 2-New Living Conditions}

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Nightmare and Error walked through the portal only to be met with a white background and a very light yellow floor, if you can call it that..the yellow fades into the whiteness and because of how light the yellow is you can barely notice the difference in color.

If you looked up the sky was seemingly endless, with thousands of bright blue strings that littered the 'sky' which seemed to never stop

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If you looked up the sky was seemingly endless, with thousands of bright blue strings that littered the 'sky' which seemed to never stop. Some of these strings were holding things, such as boxes and a jar covered in strings so you can't see the inside(if you wanna know whats in it go to my head canons book), some of these strings held bright red and seemingly glowing hearts, these were SOULS, welcome to the Anti-Void.

"Thank you for l-letting me stay.." Nightmare said quietly, grabbing onto their bag a bit tighter. Error sighed "W-w3 4rE g01nG t0 h4v3 tO bU1ld A hoU5e Unl3ss Y0u w4nN4 b3 a g-Gl1tcH l1k3 M3" Nightmare looked down, causing Error to laugh "O-O-Oh N1g-1g-Ig-Nighty, y0u d1dn'T tH1nK 1 wAs 5eRi0uS di-d1d y0u?" Error said, Nightmare then realized Error can just get the code of an AU and insert it to the Anti-Void so a house can be there, they blushed in embarrassment as Error laughed, after error was done with his laughing fit he opened a portal to an AU, Nightmare didn't know which one but Error told them to stay there because he wanted the house to be a surprise.

While waiting Nightmare had sat down and was staring at their arms 'It's been a minute since I've...' they thought, they were about to lift up their sleeves when all of a sudden Error came back holding the code of the house in their hands, it was too big a code for it to be a simple house so Nightmare was curious.

That was until Error opened up the Anti-Void codes and inserted the codes of the 'house' in. Their eye socket widened and their eye light shrunk.

IT WAS A WHOLE CASTLE!!! It looked strangely similar to their old castle, but not too much, for instance their old castle didn't have white, only black, gray, and light grey

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IT WAS A WHOLE CASTLE!!! It looked strangely similar to their old castle, but not too much, for instance their old castle didn't have white, only black, gray, and light grey.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH ERROR!!" they yelled as they jumped on top of Error causing him to glitch slightly but return the hug with yellow blush coating his cheeks lightly. When Night let go he frowned a bit but let them check out the castle, when he saw their happiness he couldn't help but smile..that was until...

'Not this man simping so hard to the point he gets them a frikin castle-'

Error growled in annoyance while his face looked like the sun.

"Thank you..again Error" they said, a light cyan blush coating their cheeks, Error smiled and nodded "Well I'm going to destroy some AUs, I'm going to give you permission to come into the Anti-Void" he said already opening the codes to give Night permission, his voice not glitching at all, you could only hear the deepness of his voice which caused Nightmare to blush a bit more.

After Error gave Nightmare permission to come and go from the Anti-Void, he left, Nightmare was exploring the castle when he saw multiple rooms, 7 in total. Nightmare hummed in acknowledgment and went to find the biggest room to sleep in, because they are still the ruler of negativity.

They eventually found it and carved their name in the door, it was cursive and looked beautiful, almost as if the wooden door was meant to have it carved in. They looked at the room next to theirs 'Well he wouldn't mind right?' they thought, they then carved Error's name into the door, it was also cursive, it was like it was originally there. Nightmare smiled proudly and started cleaning all the bedrooms, they left all the bedrooms like the bedrooms in hotels and decorated their room however they liked while unpacking.

Nightmare then went to the kitchen, it looked like their old one except it had a black table instead of a wooden one, it also had two thrones on the ends. They liked the one meant for the queen more, it was the perfect size and they loved the style and the way it felt. Eventually they went into the throne room, it once a again had two thrones but they were next to each other, once again they thought the Queen one looked nicer, they teleported the king thrones and looked at them for 3 seconds before stuffing then in a closet and moving the Queen ones to make it look natural and as if there wasn't any other thrones before.

They smiled until suddenly they heard a voice "D4mn d1dN7 tH1nK y0u W0ulD L1k3 th3 Qu3en ThR0n3 m0r3" a familiar glitchy voice said, Nightmare blushed in embarrassment "W-WELL IT'S MORE C-COMFORTABLE A-AND PRETTY" they yelled out, extremely flustered and their face was covered in cyan blush. Error smiled while he blushed softly.

"w3Ll 1'm Gl4D y0u L1k3 y0uR n3w L1v1nG c0nd1t10ns" Nightmares blush died down as they smiled softly "Yeah I like my new living conditions a lot..thank you again..." Error just smiled and nodded.

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