{Chapter 4-Regret and Planing}

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Killer was playing with his knife in bed, they had to stay at the star sanses base due to Error demolishing the castle(obviously Noot didn't know), he was a bit...confused...he did the right thing for once, right? But he kept on thinking about how..broken Nightmare looked. It broke his and the others SOULs when they saw their face and how disappointed and sad they looked. He couldn't stop the thoughts from flooding in 'Why do I care' 'They looked so broken and sad...' 'I miss them' 'Why did I even betray my mo-boss.' he started to tear up more and more as he kept on regretting more and more.

'If I try to go back to them, hell if we can find them, will they even forgive us?' Killer thought 'We betrayed their kindness for our own benefit..and we didn't even get what we wanted...it was for nothing' he started to feel tears streaming down his face.

'We need to find Nightmare, to apologize. Hopefully they'll forgive us..' he thought as he sat up 'We need a plan to betray the stars and get important information for Nightmare though..' and so he spent the rest of the night and half of the day thinking of an elaborate plan and spending the rest of the day explaining the plan to the rest of the gang.

Hey sorry this chapter is short I didn't really know what to do sorry

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