{Random Thing-Boobs or no Boobs}

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Hate was laying in bed, bored af. It's been around 2 months since he's been there and has grown his first ever attachment to Nightmare. He also already knew about Error, since Nightmare forced him to stay in the castle. He then decided to get up and see what Night was doing. When he left his room he saw Error also leaving his room and going towards Nightmares room.

He didn't care and also walked towards Nightmares room. They both knew the other wanted to check on Nightmare as well so they just stayed silent. When Error opened the door Hate saw something...unexpected..

Nightmare was in-front of their mirror, they were wearing a black corset with black comfortable short shorts, their chest kept on going from flat to huge. Hate looked in disbelief wile Error looked away with his face covered in yellow blush.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" Hate yelled, Nightmare looked at him and smiled sweetly, their HUGE chest still there "Oh I'm deciding if it's boobs or no boobs!" Hate looked confused until Error butted in "I-1t5 wH3n Th3y trY t0 d3c1d3 1f Th3y fE3l l1k3 A b0y, G1rL, oR jUst Fe3l g3nd3rL35s" Error explained, still blushing.

Hate looked back at Nightmare to see them staring at themself before smiling, he looked confused until th-SHE grabbed a fancy looking dress that was right next to a suit and put it on, this time both Hate and Error looked confused "Wh3r3 Ar3 y0u g01nG?" he asked her. She looked at him and smiled "I'm going to a very important meeting with very important people, so I need you to stay here with Hate,"  she stopped herself to put on some light makeup "and take care of him" "BU-" "No buts, if you need to destroy take him with you." "BUT I'M AN AD-" he stopped when Nightmare glared at him with a mom face, he became so scared to the point where he whispered "yes ma'am.." while looking down, Nightmare hummed in approval before she huffed and turned around.

" while looking down, Nightmare hummed in approval before she huffed and turned around

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What she looked like(sorry for bad art)

Error somehow blushed even more to the point where his face looked like the sun and his 'nose' was close to bleeding. Nightmare then crossed her hands over each other in front of her, making her look even more, MAJESTIC!

She then looked at them and said "If you guys get hungry there's leftovers in the fridge, if you don't want that order take out or some shit. Just make sure you idiots eat" she said, Error nodded and Hate had a bored expression on his face.

She then opened a portal and left the two alone.

"Wanna get pizza?"


Hey~    Anyways have a good day or night!


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