{Chapter 1-Betrayal}

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Nightmares cyan eye snapped opened, they were up now. They looked around and realized it was just a bad dream, it wasn't real. They got ready for a the day and started brushing their teeth, once they were done they opened their mouth to inspect their teeth to reveal 4 fang like teeth, two on the bottom and two on the top.

Once they were done getting ready they started heading downstairs to make their kids- I mean subordinates breakfast. They were on the last few steps until they heard something, they didn't care much until they heard another voice, one they were all to familiar with.

They hid behind a piece of furniture, their shortness working in their favor as they eavesdropped.

"I can't believe how stupid they are!" Cross said
'They could be talking about anyone else, right?'
"I know like what an idiot! They can't see us betraying them no matter what!" Scoundrel replied
'It has to be someone else! Right?!'
"God Nightmare is so stupid" Dust said
'So they were talking about me...' Nightmare felt themself tear up
"I can't believe Nightmare thinks we are 'friends' like how stupid can one person be?! Who would want to be friends with that thing!" Killer said Horror only hummed in agreement.

Nightmare was now letting a couple of tears fall now 'I thought we were a family...' they thought as their SOUL ached.

"That's a bit rude to say don't you think?" Dream said. Nightmare felt even more tears flowing, not only did they betray them, they betrayed them with their BROTHER!!

"Oh shut up you're lucky we're even helping you" Scoundrel said.

Nightmare then came out of their hiding spot "Wow..." they started, which made everyones head turn to them "You hate mE that mUcH?" they whimpered, their voice cracking slightly.

Everyone stayed silent as they stared in shock.

"B-Brother—" "FINE! IF YOU LIKE HIM SO MUCH MORE THEN STAY WITH HIM!! SEE IF I CARE!!" Nightmare yelled, tears streaming down their face.

They then teleported into their room to hurriedly grab their things leaving everyone in shock.

Nightmare was about to grab a photo from their desk but hesitated, it was a photo of all of them, they teared up but grabbed it anyways.

They then went to their office and grabbed all the paperwork that was on their desk, it was bills and whatnot, they growled with tears still streaming down their face as they threw it all causing the room to have dozens of falling papers, they then hurriedly grabbed their phone, charger, and headphones and made a portal to Astertale(my universe), it was somewhat similar to Outertale except their spy was here and every 5-10 months a supernova happens and they are huge, which causes star dust to decorate the land, also humans lived there because they adapted to the low oxygen levels.

They then started bawling their eyes out. Until they felt someone wrap their arms around them, they quickly looked up to see a skeleton with 4 stars, not those fake ones, real-looking stars in one eye and the other had a spiral galaxy, they had a tiny hat and a baggy hoodie with a star in the middle of their chest, they had purple shorts and purple boots, it was Aster.

 Until they felt someone wrap their arms around them, they quickly looked up to see a skeleton with 4 stars, not those fake ones, real-looking stars in one eye and the other had a spiral galaxy, they had a tiny hat and a baggy hoodie with a star i...

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(The only way you could see them looking at you is of the stars in their eyes moved in that direction(the galaxy in their eye constantly spins))

Aster pulled away from the hug to see Nightmares, now tear coated, face. Their eye was glossy as they brought Aster into another hug.

"WhaT hAppEnd?" Nightmare didn't really react to Asters voice cracking, it was normal.

They started crying more and hugged Aster tighter, Aster didn't care, they had a disorder so they couldn't feel pain, if they didn't...well let's just say it wouldn't be one of the quietest or calmest AUs for now...

"CaN yoU telL me whaTs WronG?" he asked again, Nightmare nodded and told him what happened.

After that

"THoSE BaSTARdS!" he yelled, he saw them kind of like brothers, he saw them as lying, using, freeloaders now.

"Do YoU wanT me To cAll ErrOr?" he asked Nightmare, they just nodded. After he called and just said "Nightmare is crying because of the 'team' I will inform you later as long as you don't destroy every uni-" and they got cut off by Error randomly appearing and saying "WH0 1N 7H3 FU-FU-FUCK! MADE MY BEST FRIEND CRY?!" he yelled, most of it surprisingly not glitchy.

After Explaining

"WHEN 1 G3T MY H4NDS ON THEM THEY'RE GUNNA WISH THEY WERE NEVER FUCKING BORN!!!" Error yelled. It seemed as though he was ready to destroy every universe.

"H-hey E-Erro-r is it o-ok for me to l-live in th-the anti-void for n-now?" Nightmare asked "I don't have a p-place to stay..." Error smiled softly, he knew Nightmare couldn't stay in any of the spies universes or go back to the castle so the only place they could go was the anti-void. Error nodded and Nightmare smiled and stood up, Error opened the portal and thanked Aster, who just nodded.

"god why are they so oblivious...why can't they just get married already..." Aster said under their breath as Nightmare and Error left.

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