//PRELUDE: A Message from Kando

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//RECIPIENT NAME: Talen, or Shiny - whichever of you gets this

//SENDER NAME: Clone Trooper 7209


Dear Kid,

Or maybe "kids". Who knows? You two might know one another someday if the Empire decides to be kind or the war ends before your lives do. Maybe you'll even be friends. I can't help but wonder what it would have been like if you two had met before... before, well, everything. You're more alike than you'd think.

I'm, ah, narrating this for you now because... Well, because I'm afraid of losing what little is left. The Empire likes to embellish things. They also like to forget. If by some miracle these rebels win, then chances are their Republic won't talk about this all either. Makes them look bad, you know? Creating an army of slave soldiers to fight their wars isn't exactly the image they want to recall the good ol' days. You both deserve the full truth. The entire account of my life.

It may be hard for you, Shiny, to understand most of what I did at the end, but know that I have always tried to do the right thing, by the Empire, the Republic, and everyone in it. Everything I did was for the Republic and my brothers. I thought of nothing else until that oath I took began to affect the men around me. I was loyal until I couldn't do it anymore. I hope you realize it earlier than I did if that time ever comes, and I hope you do the right thing. Remember: the men and women at your shoulders and behind you are the only real things that matter. Never forget that.

Talen, you were bright. You were smart. You were brave. Most of all, you were kind. I hope that despite whatever the world has thrown at you since that day in that shuttle bay, that you never lost that ability to be kind. I never had the luxury of being gentle. Hold that gift close and never let it go. The world is getting darker no matter where you stand. You're a Jedi. You are that light for everyone who followed you just like the Empire is for others. Don't ever let that light go out.

I probably won't make it off Mimban. I'm getting old and these deployments are getting longer and longer. I've got grey in my hair now. Lots of it. Once I outlive my usefulness....

Well, I'd prefer not to think about that. You're alive, and I'm not. Guess that's all that matters in the end. To me, at least. You both made it, and I can't tell you how kriffing proud I am to have known you. Both of you.

There were times I thought about having family and what it meant, about having sons or daughters to remember you when you're gone. I never had that privilege, but you two are the closest thing I have to living family. I guess that will have to be enough, and I want you both to know that it's more than enough to have two living people to remember me when all of my brothers are gone.

Remember me. I don't want anything else. I don't deserve anything else. For all the bad I did, I hope I did some good by helping you two. If you both live to be good people, then I've done enough.

Vode An, Shiny. 

May the Force be with you, Talen.

This is CT-7209...

No. This is Kando, signing off one last time.


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