part 2

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Here's the another part.. Hopefully you will like it.. Haven't crosschecked so Plz ignore the errors, typos and mistakes, as you all may already know..

And in this story there may come certain situations in this part or further part which could lead to certain moral or ethical dilemmas and complexities..something that you don't like or don't agree with....Well it's just a story,so plz take it like that and humans do have complex emotions..

And yeah one thing to clarify is that here swara and sanskaar aren't  going through divorce.. They are normal husband wife (Its weird using normal for husband wife but I hope you got the gist)


Krish was coming back from office when be saw ragini at the road.. He stops the car..

Krish - what is she doing on the road like this??

He saw that she crossed the road.. Across the road there was this little girl who was crying.... Krish saw her hurriedly crossing the road and picking the girl in her arms and trying to console her..

Krish gets curious and gets down from the car..

Ragini was trying to stop the scared girl from crying and also looking around to see if there is someone with the girl..

That girl was very scared and was crying badly for her mumma.. Ragini starts playfully talking to her making cute faces and expressions.... Krish was watching all this.. Unknowingly a smile forms on his lips seeing her expressions...

That girl also stopped crying as ragini managed to distract her but she was still hicupping.... Ragini pats her back to clam her and then buys her a juice and gives it to her..

Krish saw her conversing with that girl as if asking her some questions and then goes to a certain direction.. Krish also follows  them.. He saw Ragini looking around, maybe trying to find that girls parents..

After few minutes that girl points at someone and shouts "mumma"

Krish look there and saw a frantic looking couple , who were going around asking something from passerby's..the lady was crying badly while the man was almost in the similar state..Ragini takes that girl to that couple..

As soon as that couple saw that girl, they run towards her and that girl seeing her parents jumps in her mother's arms.. That lady hugs her tightly in relief, while the man hugs them both.. They were checking her over , asking some questions while that girl answer  them and in between pointing towards ragini..

Krish looked at ragini who was standing at the side with a smile, maybe adoring the cute family..

That couple turns towards ragini and thanks her profusely.. Ragini just smile at them and talk to them which krish can't hear.. She pats girls cheeks and tell her bye with cute baby face.. That girl motion her to bend down, she does it with confusion and was pleasantly surprised when that little girl cutely kiss on her cheeks.. Ragini gets a wide smile on her face and she kiss her back..A smile comes on krish's face as well..

They bid bye to each other.... Ragini looks at them going... Her smile slowly felt as if she was looking at the family in longing, in some pain...

Krish looks at ragini who after wiping her tears goes from there.. Krish looks at her going..

At first he was confused and quite concerned about her but then he had a soft smile....

Krish - It seems that Ms. pathardil is not that much of a pathardil.. Dil toh hai unke paas... Aur wo bhi kaafi pyaara dil..

Seeing that she has already gone, he also sits in his car and goes from there..

Mohabbat Itni Bhi Buri Nahi.. (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now