Epilogue # 1

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So here it is.. On everyone's demand..

And I m really sorry for frequently disappearing in between and not replying to your comments or giving proper response..

I m just busy nowadays.. Exams are nearing..

And before we proceed please read this -

Honestly this epilogue has always been on my mind.. It was always the part of the story but still I was hesitant about how to end it.. To end at the last chapter or with epilogue..

One thing I was assured of was that you guys would agree with how I ended it in last chapter and as expected I got positive response..

And I wasn't sure whether this epilogue was even needed or does it even fit??

Ragini and her love is too much of a complicated factor.. I didn't want to do any injustice, not to this story or the ragini from the show but since many of you wanted it, I have decided to go with it..

So for those who wanted it, it's for you and those who were satisfied and felt that last part was the best ending, then consider that as the end of the story..

Let ragini's life take it's course as your imagination..

I did say at the end in last chapter that it's not a goodbye (maybe many of you didn't notice🙈) but I decided that I will do as per response I get..

Majority liked how it ended but they wanted some sort of epilogue as well..

So here it is.. Plz do ignore typos and errors..

But it's just my imagination.. You are free to imagine your version as well..


Ragini checks the time on her watch and close her laptop.. She picks up her handbag and gets up from her desk..

She goes towards a group who were discussing ideas among them..

Ragini - Sheena I have mailed you requirements of Mr Malhotra and a basic plan as well.. Make sure everything is as per their demands.. I m off you all don't stay up till late as well.. Go and pack up your stuff.. We will continue tomorrow..

Sheena - Yeah Ragini.. We were just discussing some last minute preparation for the even..Its a big event.. Can't let it be messed up..

She smiles at her most trusted friend..

Ragini - Alright .. But be quick.. No need to worry much.. We still have time.. Anyways I m going back.. Bye everyone..

The group bids her bye and ragini comes out of the small building..

She stops a cab and driver proceeds towards her residential address..

A sweet smile displaying on her lips and a radiant glow on her face indicating that life was good for her...


Ragini comes out of the lift , busy in searchinh for keys in her bag.. She grabs it and and looks up to open her door but pause in her tracks seeing the strange sight in front of her..

A suitcase and a travel bag placed out side her door and what was even more strange was the guy sitting on one of the suitcase, casually tapping on it .. His expression like as if waiting for something... Or someone..??

Ragini stood frozen in her spot in shock..

Ragini - Aap??

The guy was lookimv at her with squinted eyes as if in accusation..

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