Chapter 4

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3rd POV

2 months later after rescuing many survivors from bandits, rogue hunters, white fangs, Slavery, Grimms, and Atlas scums. lots of people from other villages and from Vacuo, and Mistral secretly join enlisted Imperial Army and Imperial Navy to serve The New Empire to Protect, Secure, Discipline, Society, and exterminated the threat against them. 

Since Ada join she has got more improve from her training and her skills, including The force that Lord Apollyon has taught, They have already gotten started making connections or relationships, and Then She was ranked as Captain of the 4th command of the 22nd Battalion and Purge trooper battalion Under his command. She also tells more about the planet it was called Remnant, its history, and Atlas's military power,  The New Empire will be able to defeat them and those who try to against them will put consequences and be destroyed. She also becomes an instructor of Combat for Purge trooper training, then she finally has personal Purge troopers under her command.

Lot workers are working at the factory and the production of Fighters, Tanks, Walkers, and Ship vessels is getting more lots faster than they think. For Money is not issued anymore because the Empire money can exchange it Credits to Lien, and they are valuable and they are able to share it for the workers for payment.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

We can see a building constructor of Inquisitor base that has already built it

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We can see a building constructor of Inquisitor base that has already built it. From inside it, we can see Ada and Apollyon (without his mask) doing a training exercise with Training Lightsaber for combat skills in the Private training area. 

Apollyon: Focus on your right, Ada! *Swing a Training Lightsaber coming to her right*

Ada: Right! *Dodges the Training Lightsaber then parring from his attack*.

Ada: Right! *Dodges the Training Lightsaber then parring from his attack*

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Apollyon: And...Dodge!

She dodges it quickly which increased them.

Apollyon: *Jump back* That's enough for today, Ada. *deactivate training lightsaber* you have done well. (smile)

Ada: *deactivate training lightsaber* (sigh) Damn you guys have some hard training for new people like me.

Apollyon: (Chuckle) You get used to it, but it works right?

- ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴇᴍᴘɪʀᴇ - 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐂 𝐱 𝐑𝐖𝐁𝐘 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now