Chapter 2: So, this is how SHIELD does things...

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Natasha's POV:

"Who are you texting?" Clint asked me with his eyebrows in a suggestive motion. "No one you need to know about." I replied sternly. I didn't want him to know about Y/n, because he'd tease me about her til no end.

Y/n, I've only known her for about a week now, never seen her face before. But she's special to me. The way our conversations just flow through, the way she always tells me how she's feeling and asks me how I am.

She's special. I want to meet her someday but I'm not sure how she'll react when she figures out who I am. A lot of people are afraid of me, because of me being an ex assassin I mean yeah, I'd be pretty afraid of me too.

She told me about her shitty childhood, how her dad always treated her badly. I told her I'd kill him and she thought I was joking, but I was only half joking.

I'll meet her someday.


Your POV:

You busied yourself on this fine Friday evening by cleaning your apartment while listening to folklore.

I've been having a hard time adjusting
Had the shiniest wheels now they're rusting
I didn't know if you'd care if I came back
I have a lot of regrets about that

You sung the lyrics to the song as you wiped down your countertops. You felt so at ease, peaceful and in your zone. It was quiet and calm, with just a floor lamp lighting up the corner of your living room.

People outside your window down the street doing so many different things. each with different lives. All minding their business. You were caught up in your thoughts until you heard a knock on the door.

You wondered who could be here this late considering the fact that Lily was out of town this weekend. Maybe she stopped by because she forgot something. Or needed a snack since she always likes to steal your food.

You looked through the peephole. A man with an eyepatch was standing there, waiting for you to answer. But you knew better than to answer the door to a stranger.

So you just went along again, cleaning. Trying not to make too much noise so he wouldn't know that someone was home. But the blaring CD player was kind of a dead giveaway.

He knocked again, "Ms. L/n I'm director Fury from SHIELD, if you could kindly open up. Or I'm going to bust this door down. I know you're in there."

'He knows my last name?' You thought. But you really didn't want to talk to him. You weren't entirely sure what SHIELD was anyways. What if it's some human trafficking thing? Your grandma always made sure that you were aware of your surroundings, and of the different schemes human traffickers use.

And you're not about to be a victim to it. So, you crawled out of your bedroom window onto the fire escape after quickly putting on some boots and grabbing your phone. You ran fast down the metal stairs, skipping one or two steps.

Cons to living on the 5th floor.

When you finally made it down, you went to the local liquor store just around the block to chill at before heading back. You decided to text Natasha.

Y/n: Some guy with an eyepatch knows my name and knocks on my door, threatening to break it down. I escaped through my window so I'm okay. You said you lived in Manhattan? Can I stay with you for a bit?

Natasha: Oh no, I'm so sorry. And yeah you can stay with me. Come to this address:

25678 Parkview road, apartment suite 529 it's right above a pizza shop.

Y/n: oh my god thank you, I'll be there.

You called a cab and told the driver where you wanted to go. When you arrived you paid with the little cash you had in your pocket before heading upstairs into the hallway of the apartment building.

"527, 528, Ah here it is." You knocked on the door and the person who opened it wasn't who you were expecting at all.

Natasha Romanoff.

"I- Natasha???" You said in shock. She put her finger over her lips before pulling you in, closing the door behind her. You noticed the apartment was rather bare.

"I didn't know the Natasha I was talking to was THE Natasha Romanoff, this is"

"I know, I was gonna tell you sooner but this'll have to do."

"Your apartment is very empty."

"That's because it's a SHIELD safe house."

"Wait SHIELD?" She hummed in response. "That guy said he was the director of SHIELD, but I wasn't sure what it was so I didn't want to talk to him. God I feel so stupid."

"Wait, the director of SHIELD? Was his name Fury by any chance?"

"Yes it is. He told me after he told me to open the door."

"I'm gonna  give him a call, you can sit on the couch, make yourself comfortable."

And so you sat on the couch. What have you gotten yourself into?

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