Chapter 7: Peace is not an option

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The team was called to a meeting, including you. Why? You have no idea. "Alright, I'm glad you all could make it. Including you, L/n." Fury said, crossing his arms. "This Hydra base has a nuclear weapon that they will not hesitate to blast it. So, this mission will take half the team and could range from a week to a month." He explained.

"So, who's going?" Steve asked. "Glad you asked Cap. The people going are you, Stark, Maximoff, Romanoff, Danvers, and Thor. Do we have any questions?"

No. He did not just say Romanoff. Especially right after you guys finally got together. What the actual fuck. "I'm sir, why does Natasha have to go?" You asked, your eyes springing with tears.

"Because Agent Romanoff has exceptional skill with being discreet." He responded.

"No." You stood up and ran out of the room, crying. You ran straight to a random guest room and closed the door, sliding down. You sobbed for a while, till you heard a knock at the door.

"Detka? You in there?" Natasha asked.

You took a breath and opened the door. Natasha's heart shattered into a million pieces when she saw you, your eyes and cheeks red, hair sticking to your wet face. She pulled you into a tight hug. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I wish I could stay but I can't. Unfortunately SHIELD is above me." She whispered.

"Come on, let's make you a bath." She said softly, holding out her hand for you to take. You nodded and took her hand as she led you to her room. She filled the tub full of warm water and helped you strip and get in.

"It won't be that long, the people going with me are great at getting things done." She assured you, but there was a hint of doubt in her voice.

She was mostly trying to convince herself more than you.

And that's what scared you the most.

"Nat, can you come in the bath with me?" You asked. She hummed in response and took her clothes off before hopping in behind you. You leaned back on her chest as she lathered you in soap. You wanted to stay here forever.


Seeing her pack half her belongings for the mission made your heart tighten. She could be gone forever you don't know. And knowing Hydra, they'd probably kill her just to send a message.

"I don't want you to go." You cried when she was at the door to go to the landing pad with her suitcases. She hugged you tightly, knowing once she lets go, it's all over. She then gave you a passionate kiss, one that sent sparks flying.

"I love you, okay? Never forget that. I'll be back soon, my love." She said before walking out the door and disappearing inside the jet.


It's been two weeks but it felt like two years. You knew you couldn't contact her so that's what made it ten times worse. Because you couldn't know if she was okay.

Natasha hated being away from you. Who would love you? Who would protect you? Who would comfort you when you have nightmares? All she wanted was you to be safe and back in her arms. Like how it was supposed to be.

"Ms. L/n, Mr. Barnes would like to let you know that dinner is ready." FRIDAY said.

"Okay, tell him I'll be down in a minute." You needed time to clean yourself up to make it not look like you were crying for hours on end. You went downstairs and sat at the table, lazily picking at your food.

"Hey, Y/n, I know that she means a lot to you. She's going to be okay." Bucky tried to reassure you but it did absolutely nothing.

He was hurt to see you this way. Once was a happy singing girl, now a sad and broken girl. He wished he could make it better. Hell, he knew exactly how you felt. Steve was on this mission too and he wasn't sure if even the Captain himself would make it back in one piece.

That night, you slept in one of Natasha's tshirts, wanting to feel what it was like when she would hold you.


"Ms. L/n, we found the location of Agent Romanoff, I know you wanted to contact her, so maybe you could write her a letter." Agent Hill said, handing you a piece of paper. "Thank you so much Maria." You said before rushing off to Natasha's room.

You took a deep breath before the pencil hit the paper.

Dear Natasha,

It's been so long since I've seen you. I miss you a whole lot. Bucky and Sam try to make me feel better, to go out, but it's not the same without you. I fear I cannot live without you Romanoff.

Everyday I wait for any news on you, I sit at the landing pad wishing for the jet to land. Every goddamn day I wish on the first star I see that you are okay and ready to come back to me. Because I love you so much.

I hope you don't forget about me, Natasha. Because I would hate for you to. Then I'd have to make the first move (haha) but you know I'm a bottom all the way.

When you come back, could we go dancing? Bucky told me it's a fun activity, he said they did it all the time in the 40's and that there's a lounge that has swing dancing events every Friday.

When you come home, I'll be right where you left me.

Lots of love,

Y/n L/n

You sealed the envelope and wrote the address on it, before making your way to the mailbox to slide it in.

You hoped Natasha was going to come home soon.

The end.

Thank you so much for reading! Don't worry, there's gonna be a sequel! I just wanted to leave you on a cliffhanger. Be sure to comment and vote! Love you guys!

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