Chapter 5: Whatcha got for me?

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It's been a week since you've been at the tower, being locked away under the guise of keeping you safe. You wanted nothing more than to be in your own apartment.

Sure, being able to be around Natasha was great but nothing beats going back home. Even when home excluded a certain redhead.

Apparently, Stark loves to throw parties and he invited you to one of them. You didn't want to go, trying to make up any excuse you could as to why you couldn't make it. But that man doesn't take no for an answer.

So, you walked into the party in a tight red dress, everyone was ogling at you. Can you blame them? You looked absolutely stunning. This didn't go unnoticed by the redhead, you were surprised to see her in a suit of all things. She looked so fucking hot.

She came up to you and gave you a hug. "Girl you look so pretty." She said. You blushed at the compliment, going over to the bar for a drink.

Of course, some rando decided to flirt with you. "Wanna come back to my place with me?" He asked, putting his hand on your thigh. Little did you know the assassin was listening in on this whole ordeal and those words were enough to make her storm over there and slap his hand away.

"Back off!" She scowled. The man put his hands up in surrender and hurried away. He knew better than to take it up with the black widow. "I'm sorry, some men here are absolute douchebags. I'm glad I'm a lesbian." She chuckled. "Y-you are?" You asked. She hummed in response with a nod.

"I am too." You said. "Good, that's good to know." She said with a smirk.

You were a blushing mess at this point.


"Good morning sleeping beauty." She chuckled as you groaned. She pulled open the curtains revealing the brite late morning light shining through the window.

"Natashaaa why???" You groaned. "Because you are not going to sleep in on a Sunday, we've got work to do." She explained.

"What do you mean work? Last time I checked, SHIELD put me on a personal unemployment plan."

"No silly, not that kind of work. We need to set up two very important people, who clearly like each other but are too scared to deny it."

"What people?" You are now sitting up, intrigued by her words.

"Wanda and Vision."

"Wanda likes the toaster?"

"Listen, either way they both like each other, I don't know how a robot can have feelings but we'll go with it. Anyways we need to make it so they're alone, but that will be difficult in this tower-" she got cut off by a knock on the door.

She got up to open it, and of course, of all people, Nick Fury walked in. "Fury, now is not the time, what are you doing here?" Natasha asked. "I'm here to talk to Ms. L/n." He responded.

"Umm didn't you just do that like a week ago?" You asked.

"Come with me L/n." There was no use of fighting, considering the fact you were not the best at hand to hand combat. You worked with Hydra sure, but you were always behind a desk doing paperwork.

Fury led you to an interrogation room.You sat across from him. "Okay, so you want to interrogate me now? Like I'm some criminal?" You asked, dumbfounded.

"Listen, I'm not interrogating you. I just brought you here because this is information that agent Romanoff doesn't need to hear."

"Like what information?"

"We found the Hydra base you came from, and we are going to take it down. But, they are possessing a nuclear bomb, one that they will not hesitate to blow."

"So, why are you telling me this? I'm not an Avenger."

"Half the team will be gone on this mission to stop it, we need extra help here at the tower, so we want you to be an Avenger or at least an agent of SHIELD."

"I don't know man...last time some organization recruited me they turned out to be a crazy nazi terrorist group."

"Trust me when I tell you this, L/n. This is only temporary, and SHIELD is as clean as it gets."

"Okay. I'll do it."

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