Chapter 3: Late nights in

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The eyepatch guy showed up. He sat in front of you at the small dining table, Natasha by your side giving your hand a comforting squeeze.

"You Ms. L/n, are a wanted fugitive."

"Umm what?"

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Natasha sent him a warning look.

"There's no way I'm a wanted fugitive, I wouldn't be able to get a job if I was one. You must have the wrong person." You insisted.

"You're a wanted fugitive by Hydra. Sound familiar?"

You could've sworn your heart stopped beating for a second the minute those words came out of his mouth. No one but you knows about your little secret and you planned to keep it that way. But unfortunately it seems like the universe has other plans.

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows. You were scared of what she might think of you after you revealed your secret.

"I was a secretary that got recruited from Hydra. The thing is, I did it willingly. I wasn't under any sort of mind control, they didn't force me. But they did convince me that I was on the right side, but later I changed my mind. I changed my mind after seeing the winter soldier, and all the kids they would take in. Their screams still haunt me at night." You said, and then you took a deep breath.

Natasha's eyes went wide at your confession, but she also saw a sense of bravery in you for trusting her to hear your deepest darkest secret.

"So what do you want me to do?" You asked.

"It's too dangerous for you to stay at your home, so I'm taking you to Avengers tower while we sort this whole Hydra business."

"Okay." Was all you could muster. You didn't want to leave your apartment but there was no use of fighting now. Might as well to just go along with whatever they're saying. Right? Though of course that's what you did when you were with Hydra.

"I don't know, I mean I do know SHIELD is with the good guys, the Avengers which I trust. But ever since Hydra I don't think I can trust another organization again." You said.

Natasha put a comforting arm around your shoulders. "I'll keep you safe, promise. You can stay in my room, it will be like a sleepover." She smiled, trying to make you see the positives.

"Okay. But there are some things I'd like to collect from my apartment."


When you made it to your apartment, your door was gone. "Wow Fury, you weren't kidding when you said you'd bust the door down." You said with a cringe.

You grabbed your CD player and CD collection, your chargers, your laptop, your iPad and Apple Pencil, and a couple of books.

And off to Avengers tower you went. Most of them were in the living room watching TV. All eyes were on you when Natasha led you in by your hand. You blushed when everyone was looking at you.

"Guys this is Y/n, she's staying here for a bit, Y/n these are the Avengers." She said and then named off all of them. Some were in the kitchen and came out to see what the fuss was about.

Natasha led you to her room and you both decided to sleep in the same bed. I mean...that's what friends do, right?

Friends sleep in the same bed.

And as you rested your head on her chest, she put a light kiss on your forehead, and in that moment she knew she'd do anything to keep you safe, she'd protect you with her life.

Because once again, you were special.

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