A Not So Happily Ever After

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Regina was dead, and her power was crumbling. Piece by piece her magic melted away, saving several unfortunate people from her curses.

The queen, if she could even be called that, had been destroyed by a wizard who had been under a curse himself. His name was Merlin, and he, along with his six friends, had been put under a spell for attacking a fairy princess. Now they had to kiss the most beautiful woman in the world, or else they would transform into green dwarves if anyone looked at them.

The poor boy, or man rather, had been willing to give his life to save a girl and protect his friends. Snow White was his everything, and Merlin loved her. But, when she discovered the wizard's feelings, Snow felt that Merlin only cared for her beauty on the outside, and it hurt her. Being the kind person that she was, Snow White still treasured Merlin deeply, but not the same as before.

When Merlin sacrificed himself to save her, Snow knelt over the edge of the chasm where he had fallen, mourning. Merlin's friends, who had grown to be like family, sorrowed for him. Three of them, Pino, Noki, and Kio, using an invention of theirs, brought Merlin up to the princess.

She held him with tender care, tears falling. Merlin's eyes opened weakly, his face covered in ash. Snow gasped when she realized he was alive.
"I thought you were gone." The princess smiled sweetly.
"You are the most beautiful woman." His voice was raspy and quiet. "Whether my eyes are open, or closed." Merlin's eyelids fluttered shut, his strength draining.

Snow held him close, and whispered in his ear.
"I can't lose you Merlin. You are the best friend I've ever had." She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. Just before he passed out, Merlin heard her words, and it hurt him.

A golden glow surrounded him, transforming Merlin back into his human self. Snow looked at him in surprise.
"You're Prince Merlin."
"Yeah." He still sounded incredibly weak. Merlin stayed there, limp, not feeling anything.
"Merlin. Merlin?" He was drifting again. "Oh my gosh! He's bleeding." Merlin vision faded to black.


Hours passed, and Merlin still hadn't woken up. With the help of the king, Snow's father, they had moved the wizard to a guest room in the castle and had tried to treat his wounds.

"Father, isn't there anything else we can do?"
"His wounds were caused by magic. They'll have to heal on their own." The king was sad  for his daughter, wishing he could do more.
"What if they don't heal? It's been almost four hours, and the bleeding hasn't stopped."
"I'm sorry, Snow."

Snow refused to leave Merlin's side all night, in case he woke up. Sitting in a large armchair next to the bed, she looked at his unconscious form.

Merlin's face looked peaceful, almost like he was sleeping. His shirt had been pulled open to reveal a large gash running from his right collar bone down to his ribs on the left side. There were bandages covering the wound, but blood was still seeping through. The bleeding had slowed, but it hadn't stopped. No one was entirely sure how he had gotten cut, but they were positive it had something to do with Regina's magic.

The princess hadn't realized that she had fallen asleep, until she woke abruptly. Merlin was shifting around, whimpering.  Snow lit a candle beside her, examining the boy. His face was contorted in pain and Merlin kept moving his head back and forth. Suddenly, he cried out, causing Snow to grip his hand in worry. Merlin cried out again, louder this time, and it woke his friends.

The remainder of the Fearless 7 came running in, worried.
"What happened?" Arthur demanded.
"I- I don't know, he was sleeping and then he just started yelling." Merlin whimpered again, turning everyone's attention back to him. Snow gently put her hand on the side of his face, gasped and pulled it back. "He's got a fever. He's burning up!" Hans stepped forward placing a hand on Snow's shoulder.
"How do we help?"


The next day passed, Snow sitting with Merlin, putting a cold compress on his forehead. Night fell, and Arthur had insisted that Snow get some sleep. Initially, she refused, but Arthur promised to stay with Merlin in case anything happened, and eventually Snow agreed.

The king stayed up in his study, staring at a pendant that he always wore around his neck. It had been given to him by a powerful fairy, after he had shown her kindness, despite her appearance. The king was told that in a time of dire need, the pendant, when squeezed, would grant him help. He was debating if now was the time to use it. He would have only one chance, and it would be a shame to use it if the boy would get better on his own.

He was cut off from his thoughts, by Merlin crying out in pain. That was the last straw for the king. He had made up his mind and squeezed the amulet.

The next thing that happened was unbelievable.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened, except for the golden pendant turning into dust and blowing away.

The king told no one of  what happened, and went bed disheartened. The amulet had done nothing for him.
...at least that's what he thought.


The next morning brought thunderstorms and heavy rain, making the castle gloomy and dark. The king sat in the kitchens, watching his servants prepare lunch, with the help of Hans. It was obvious that Hans was a master of the culinary arts, and he was enjoying the use of the royal kitchens.

The servants had finished preparing and were about to take a break, when a green flash of light surrounded the palace. Then, as quickly as it had come, it was gone. Hans rushed to his friends, hoping they knew what had caused it, but they were just as clueless.

A maid came running up to the king. She curtsied.
"Your Majesty." She sounded out of breath as if she had been running. "There is a woman in the throne room, demanding to speak with you."
"The throne room?"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"How did she get in?"
"I'm not sure, sir. I was in there dusting, when I turned around and she was just standing there."
"Thank you, dear girl." The king turned and began walking to his throne room. Arthur came running down the hall, with the five others not far behind.
"Wait, Your Highness!"
"Yes, Arthur?"
"That woman is probably a witch! You shouldn't confront her alone."
"Very well."

Entering the room, King White sat in his throne with the six dwarves standing in front of him. There, in the middle of the room stood a figure.
"Your Majesty." Her voice was calm but loud. She stepped forward, to which the six pressed closer together, only to for her to kneel in respect. The king was able to get a closer look at her. She wore a long, dark green robe, with no sleeves and the hood pulled up, making  her face hardly visible. The robe was open in the front, revealing a gray tank top and black jean shorts with tall, black combat boots. One hand was over her heart and the other down at her side, and they were both covered by black leather, fingerless gloves.

"What can I do for you?" The king spoke kindly.
"The real question is, what can I do for you?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"You summoned me, did you not?" The woman shifted so that her left shoulder was facing him, to reveal a silvery tattoo, that perfectly matched the symbol that had been on the kings pendant. He gasped, and Arthur turned to him.
"Would you like for us to remove her from the castle, Your Highness?"
"What? No! I doubt you could anyway."
"I hate to sound rude, but you did summon me for a reason, right?" She seemed slightly impatient.
"Yes, of course. I just didn't recognize you, that's all."
"Oh, well I'm not actually her. I'm her daughter."
"Can you still help me?"
"Why else do you think I'm here?" She sounded irritated.
"Of course, right this way."

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