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The harbor master led them through the dock, very obviously avoiding the larger, nicer boats.
"Here, how about this one?" He pointed to a boat that would definitely be too small for the eight of them. It looked as though it might fall apart any minute.
"What about that one?" Arthur pointed to a black and gold painted ship. It had a couple of sails, unlike the other that only had one. It was beautiful, but it wasn't huge. The ship was the perfect size. The harbor master paled.
"Well- that's.... that's probably way over your budget." Merlin looked at the man.
"How do you know what our budget is?"
"Well... I... uh..."
"How much?" Idena stepped forward.
"You don't want... I mean there's no-"
"How much?" There was growl to her voice now. The harbor master shrank back, fearfully. At first the man asked for way too much, but eventually the three were able to haggle, or threaten, the price down to be more reasonable. When it was all over, Arthur, Merlin, and Idena made their way back to the rest of their friends.


The next day, they loaded up, preparing for the short, sea journey. When the group was about ready to leave, the harbor master's son came jogging down to the docs.
"Do you want something, boy?" Arthur talked down to him, even though he wasn't that much older himself. Merlin noticed a small bag on the kid's back.
"I- I want to go with you." He looked down at his feet.
"You don't even know where we're going." Jack said.
"Does it matter? I don't care, as long as I can get away from here."
"I don't know. It could get dangerous." Merlin looked concerned.
"I can handle myself. Besides, wouldn't it be helpful to have an experienced sailor on board?"
"Hold it kid, are you referring to yourself?" Arthur chuckled. "There is nothing about you that says: experienced."
"I think we should let him come." Idena said, startling her ship mates.
"Are you sure?" Merlin asked.
"Why not? He's eventually going to leave this town anyway, whether it's with us, or not. We could at least keep an eye on him, and make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble." The boy smiled. That is, until his father arrived.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The boy back away from the harbor master, and closer to the boat.
"I'm leaving, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." He seemed pretty confident, but there was a bit of quivering in his voice.
"Connor Farthen, get back here THIS INSTANT!!"
"No, dad. I'm tired of the insults and the beer. I'm tired of you making me do everything for you. And I am tired of you blaming me for mom leaving, when it was really all your fault."
Connor started to tear up a little, but held it in.
"I bet you had something to do with this, witch!" Mr. McConaughey pointed an accusatory finger at Idena.
"I had nothing to do with this. You've brought it upon yourself." The man shook in anger.
"Fine, boy! But don't come crying to me when you find out your new friends are nothing but common thieves!" He stomped away, and Idena turned to the boy.
"Come on, Connor. Let's find somewhere to put your stuff." He seemed a little frightened of her at first, but she lowered her hood, and smiled kindly at him, and he relaxed. They set sail shortly afterwards, and the moment they pulled out of the harbor, Connor instantly brightened.


Several hours later, Merlin had been sent to find Idena for lunch. He looked all over the place before spotting her up in the crow's nest, her golden hair blowing about in the breeze. The wizard climbed up to her.
"How's it looking?"
"Wonderful, I've never actually been out to sea when it's not overly violent."
"Really?" The girl turned to her companion.
"People who summon me on boats, usually do it when there's some horrible storm that they expect me to make magically disappear." She made a sort of jazz hands motion.

They stood quietly for a moment before Merlin spoke up again.
"You know, I've never seen your hair down before."
"Yeah, I usually keep it up. It gets in the way. I really need to get it cut."
"Well I think it's beautiful." Merlin added quietly, tucking a strand behind her ear. She smiled, before turning back towards the ocean.

"Anyway, Hans wanted me to let you know that lunch is ready."
"Well, you could have started with that, I'm starving!" Merlin laughed, following Idena down the ladder.


By the time the sun was setting, they had reached shore. Some of them *cough*Arthur*cough* were very glad to be off the water. The F7 went to go sleep in an inn, but Idena and Connor opted to stay with the ship.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay too?"
"Merlin, I'll be fine. It's literally one night. I will live." Idena chuckled at his antics. "Goodnight, Merlin." She said, waving him off.
"Goodnight, Idena." The wizard wrapped her in a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"You guys are probably the sweetest couple I've ever seen." Connor said from his position leaned against the railing, after Merlin was out of sight.
"I'm sorry, what?" The girl cocked an eyebrow.
"You're not together?"
"He totally likes you."
"Right, because you would know so much about it, lover boy." She rolled her eyes.
"I've had plenty of crushes. I know how guys convey their feelings."
"Do you have to be so sarcastic?"
"Yep." She turned and walked to her room. "See you tomorrow, Connor."

Laying on her back on the mattress, Idena wondered.

Does he like me? Maybe he's still just faking it like we were before.

What if he isn't? What if he actually likes me?

He hardly knows anything about me!

He hardly knows anything about me.

Even if he does like me, the moment I tell him about...

...he'd never accept me.

So what do I do?

I can't except his feelings, even if they're real. He would only end up getting hurt.

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