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Upon re-entering the palace, Idena looked at herself in a mirror, realizing that her scar had reopened. The two walked back to her room, before sitting down.

"Are you okay?"
"My face is bleeding. Do I look okay?" Merlin took a seat next to her on the bed. Leaning forward, he positioned the hair out of the way, hooking it behind her ear. He pulled it away from her face, revealing the scar, pink and bleeding.
"That doesn't look good. Stay here, I'll be right back." Merlin stepped out of the room, leaving Idena alone.

He returned shortly, with warm water and some clean rags.
"How do you feel?" The wizard crouched down in front of her.

Merlin put a rag in the water before gently dabbing it to her face. He did that, for what felt like hours, before he was finished. The boy put some bandages over the scar, to help it heal.

The wizard sat down next to Idena, and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Merlin was startled at first but then leaned his head onto hers.
"Thank you." She said it barely above a whisper, but he still heard it.
"Are you feeling better now?" When Idena didn't answer, Merlin realized that she had fallen asleep. It wasn't long before he nodded off as well.


"Awwwww. They're so cute." Idena awoke to the sound of fan girling. She began to shift, and hit her head on someone's chin. Ow. Opening her eye, she saw Merlin next to her.

Snow had gone down the hall to check on Idena, when she saw that the door was open. Standing in the doorway, she saw Idena and Merlin together. They both fallen asleep half on the bed and half off it. Their legs hanging over the side of the bed, like they had been sitting there and fallen back. Snow figured that they had probably stayed up late and passed out.(Not literally)

The door started to close slowly, and Snow looked down to see a mouse closing it. She thought it was weird, but backed out the door anyway.

Idena used her magic to get a friendly animal to close the door. She hated being watched. As soon as it closed, Idena jumped up and tried to wake Merlin up.
"Merlin." He was sound asleep. The girl tried poking his chest, but Merlin grabbed her arm and rolled over. She was now underneath a sleeping Merlin, and there wasn't much she could do about it.
"Merlin!" She tried to hit him, but he still wasn't waking up. Idena squirmed out enough to be able to reach a glass of water and dump it on him.

Merlin jerked awake and opened his eyes. It took him a second to realize that he wasn't on his bed.
"Hey, do you mind?" He heard a muffled voice underneath him, and Merlin realized that he was on top of Idena. He scrambled up in surprise and confusion.
"What happened?"
"We must have fallen asleep last night, after you patched me up." Idena pointed to her bandaged eye.
"Why was I... um... " Merlin pointed to himself, and then to her.
"I tried to wake you up, and you rolled on top of me." Idena shrugged, a slight blush on her cheeks.


"We need to figure out who sent that storm, and why." Merlin said, while standing over a large map of Fairy Tale Island.
"Maybe we can track the threads of magic and figure out where it originated." Idena suggested.
"How do we do that? Is it some advanced kind of magic?" Merlin questioned.
"While you can use magic to track other magic, it's complicated and tiring. What I'm going to use is a chemical compound that reacts to magic and will lead us to its place of origin." 
"Where did you learn how to do that?" Merlin lifted an eyebrow in interest.
"Not sure. Guess I read it somewhere."


"You ready?" Idena stood on the same balcony as before, except this time, she was holding a medium sized bird on her arm.
"Almost." Merlin was twisting the cap of a bottle containing a bluish-green substance.
"Alpine here isn't going to wait forever."
"I know." Merlin kept twisting the lid. "Okay, I've got it."
"Go ahead."

Merlin tossed the bottle up into the air, where it exploded in a cloud of blue dust. The dust then gathered up and shot off, followed closely by the bird.

"So... " Merlin spoke up. "What is that supposed to do?" Idena sighed.
"The chemical compound that I created reacts to magic in the air. When you threw it, it detected traces of magic from that cursed storm. The 'potion', if you will, is following the threads of magic, back to where it originated."
"And the bird?"
"Someone's got to follow the trail and figure out where it came from."
"So what do you want to do in the mean time?"


"I still don't think this is a good idea." Idena and Merlin were facing each other in an open courtyard.
"Why? Are you that bad?" Merlin smirked.
"No, I just think that in your condition, sparring is not a good idea." She pointed at the wizard.
"Don't worry, darlin', I'll go easy on you." Merlin wiggled his eyebrows at her jokingly.
"It's not me you're gonna have to worry about, sweetheart." The girl smirked, before taking off her cloak, leaving her tank top and shorts.
"Oooo. Getting serious, are we?" Merlin's question got ignored.
"Are you ready? Or you going to keep talking?"
"Oh, yeah." Merlin shifted into his ready position. "Bring it on."


After about an hour of fighting each other, they were both exhausted and covered in bruises.
"How do you feel, Merlin?"
"I mean your injuries, how are they feeling?"
"I feel good. Really good."
"Even though you just got beat up by a girl?"
"Um, I'm pretty sure that I won that."
"Sure, boy. Sure."

They shared a laugh before heading inside.

A/N: Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas for the story.
Your input is super helpful.

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