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They spent the next day or so traveling, and they were making good time. Merlin and Idena kept subtly winking at each other or mouthing random words, just to see their companions' reactions. Arthur was very purposely making sure the two weren't walking right next to each other, but now he had fallen back a bit to help Jack with the strap of his bag. Merlin stepped closer to her, so their shoulders were brushing against each other. Idena looked at him, chuckling, and then grabbed his hand. The wizard was so startled by the action that he tripped, landing face first on the ground. She laughed so hard, Idena felt sore.

It wasn't long after that, that it started to rain.  When it began to thunder, Idena finally had them set up camp. Once they had put up their tents, most of the dudes were all in a tent together, and Merlin was with Idena in her tent.

"So I couldn't possibly control the lightning outside, with my magic." Merlin explained.
"But what if you were able to get some of your cards, and put them on a-" Idena was cut off, when Merlin grunted, putting a hand on his chest. "Are you alright?" She looked at her friend.
"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired, that's all."
"You should go get some rest. We can't go anywhere in this storm anyway." Merlin nodded and got up, leaving the tent.

Not too long afterwards, Arthur stepped in. The moment the tent flap closed, he transformed into his human state.
"Hey, Arthur." She tossed him a towel she had in her tent to dry off his dripping hair. "If you're looking for Merlin, he's not here. He went to go rest."
"Actually, I'm not here to see Merlin."
"We need to talk."
"I want to know what's going on with you two."
"You mean Merlin and me?"
"Yeah. When I first saw him a couple days ago, he said there was nothing between you, but now, it's very clear that's not the case." She chuckled.
"Listen, Arthur. There really is nothing going on. We've just been putting up a front to confuse you."
"Really?" He sounded extremely skeptical.
"Yes, really."
"How about when Hans walked in on you two? That was a front as well?"
"Hans didn't walk in on anything. I was checking to make sure his wound was okay."
"Sure." He narrowed his eyes at her. "And his shirt?"
"He forgot to put it back on after I was finished."
"Fine, whatever." Arthur got up to leave, but as he reached for the tent flap he noticed his human sized hand.
"I'm magic. The curse doesn't work the same around me."

The next morning, they began traveling again. It hadn't stopped raining, but it had lessened a bit. As the day went by the rain slowly receded, leaving everything cold, dark, and wet. The travelers ascended a small hill, just beyond the edge of a dark cluster of trees. Sprawled out in front of them lay a small harbor town, not even a mile wide. Merlin led the way, and they found themselves among small, crowded homes that felt hard and lifeless. People weren't in the streets or market place, and Arthur began to wonder if people lived here at all. Idena noticed the head of a little girl pop up in a dirty window, before being pushed back down out of sight by the hand of a parent. Merlin shivered.
"I don't like the feeling of this."
"I don't think any of us do." Jack spoke, looking at his comrades.
"We won't be here long." The girl spoke, her voice extremely calm. "We'll find a boat, then we can leave." Idena had her hood pulled up, so it was impossible to read her facial expression.

The group finally made it to the harbor master's building, after an extremely long, uncomfortable walk. Merlin, Arthur, and Idena walked up the steps, leaving the other four standing in the street. The wizard knocked, but there was no response. He knocked again. Nothing. With the third knock, the door opened slowly to reveal a face peering around it. A boy stepped out, looking apprehensive.
"Can I- Can I help you?"
"You're the harbor master, right?" Arthur stepped forward.
"No, actually, I'm his son."
"Oh. Well, can we see him?" Merlin looked at him. The boy glanced off to the side, like he was looking at something.
"I- He's not- He's not here right now. Sorry." He attempted to close the door, but Idena shot forward, wrapping her hand around the edge of the door and pushing it back open. The boy's eyes widened in fear at the hooded figure now in front of him. Idena took in his appearance.

The boy looked to be about 16. He was barely shorter than Merlin, and he was skinny, but not unhealthily so. His skin was slightly tanned, probably from frequent sailing trips, and his messy brown hair fell over his face, so that his eyes were barely visible.

Looking him dead in the face, Idena spoke.
"Why don't you tell your father to come out from where he's hiding and speak with us himself." Her tone was a bit sharp, and the boy gulped.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about."
"He's here, isn't he?" Idena glared at him. He finally nodded, opening the door further and stepping back. A man walked over, with the same color hair and skin tone as the boy. The harbor master. Merlin thought.

The three travelers were lead inside, to an office space, where the men sat down to talk with him, while Idena remained standing, leaned against the wall.
"My name is Bandal Farthen. I'm the harbor master."
"So we gathered." Merlin said.
"What can I do for you?" Bandal seemed accommodating, but there was an air of unwillingness about him.
"We need a boat." Arthur slid forward in his chair.
"For what?"
"Sailing. What else?" The dwarf looked at the man.
"I mean, do you need a fishing boat, a cargo boat, a voyage boat? What do you need it for?" Merlin sat up.
"We're going on a voyage."

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