Travel... or Not

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It was late in the afternoon, and Snow was talking to Idena.
"I've never thought of magic like that before."
"It's very chaotic. It's helpful to have things to channel it. That's why Merlin uses his cards, they're talismans." Idena spoke passionately, moving her hands as she talked.
"What do you use?"
"I'm a bit worn out right now, so I can't summon it, but I have this cool gray staff."
"That's awesome! Maybe you could show me tomor-"
"Can I speak with Idena a moment?" Merlin was standing in the doorway.

Snow nodded her head before leaving.
"I'm sorry." He leaned against the doorframe, the wood supporting most of his weight.
"It's alright, Merlin." Idena looked at him.
"No it's not. My actions where completely un-"
"Would you shut up and listen?" She chuckled. "It never even happened. Okay?"
"Thank you." Merlin smiled lightly at her.
"So... have you decided how you feel yet?"
"I- I think so." She gestured for him to continue. "You were right. I don't feel that way towards you. No offense!"
"None taken." Idena cleared her throat, effectively changing topics. "So, you're up and about." The girl looked him up and down.
"You feeling alright?" He nodded. "Good. Just be careful for the next couple of weeks. I would recommend using a crutch or something for your knee. Can't guarantee that I healed it completely."
"I'm fine, I promise."
"Good." Idena nodded.


The next morning, Arthur had an announcement.
"The F7 has been called back into action, by some people in the country side with complaints of large wolves. We shall be leaving tomorrow morning."
"If you think that includes Merlin, you are sadly mistaken." Idena put in.
"Why wouldn't it?" Arthur crossed his arms.
"Hm, let's see. He woke up three days ago, and was only able to walk last night. There is no way, Merlin's going on a giant wolf hunt."
"We'll see about that."


The next morning, early, before anyone else was out of bed, the F7 snuck through the halls of the castle. Merlin was just about to unlock the main gate, when there was a blast of green fog in front of him.
"Going somewhere?" Idena smirked.
"We're going, and you can't stop us." Arthur responded.
"If you want to leave without Merlin, then go right ahead. If you try to leave with Merlin you're gonna have to go through me." She snarled.
"But that's not fair, because you have your magic."
"Exactly, Hans."
"Guys, it's fine. I'll stay here." Merlin spoke up.
"Are you sure, Merlin?" Jack asked.
"Alright, come on guys. Let's go." Arthur led them out.


"I'm sorry, Merlin. I know how much your job means to you."
"I get it. You don't want me to make my injuries worse." 
"Thank you for understanding."
"So the question is, what am I going to do for the next week?"
"That sounds like a you problem."
"What? You're going to be here too."
"Nope." Merlin furrowed his brows in confusion.
"I'm going home this afternoon." His jaw dropped.

"You think the king and queen haven't noticed my absence? It's been almost 2 weeks."
"They must be worried." Merlin grabbed Idena's hand.
"Not really. The queen isn't particularly fond of me."
"She's your mother! How could she be like that?"
"They're not actually my parents. I was adopted."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Idena shrugged, unbothered. "She saved my life, and I owe her, that's why I get sent to fulfill all the wishes. I'm her errand girl."
"That's terrible."
"What are your parents like, Merlin?"
"Um... well... " He cleared his throat. "I haven't seen them in a long time."
"My father passed away almost seven years ago, and I didn't stick around much after that."
"Didn't your mother need help running the kingdom?"
"That's what my older brother does."
"You have an older brother?"
"What's he like?"
"His name's William. He's six years older than me, very annoying, and not nearly as handsome as the person in front of you."
"Wow. Conceited as ever I see." Idena laughed.
"You say that like you knew me before all this." He gestured towards his injured self.
"Well..." She scratched the back of her head. "I kind of did."

"What? What are you talking about?"
"You're a magic user, right? So you're dangerous. But you're also the leader of the F7, a powerful group of young heroes, which makes you even more dangerous. People are afraid of your power, so they asked me to keep tabs on you."
"So you're a creepy stalker."
"Correction, I'm your creepy stalker." Idena chuckled, punching him in the arm. "Hey, So anyway. Saving your life was super tiring, so I'm gonna go lay down, kapish?"

"Um... what?"
"Kapish. It means something like is that good?"
"You are so weird."


Idena stood with Merlin on a balcony, looking at the sunset.
"I should go, it's getting late." The girl turned to her companion.
"Traveling at night is dangerous. You can stay one more day." Merlin did his best at puppy dog eyes.
"If I listen to you, I'll be stuck here for the rest of my life."
"Exactly." Darkness was falling quickly and the stars were coming out.
"I'm sorry, Merlin." Idena hugged him before stepping back.

Waving her, now glowing, hands in a circle, a long gray staff appeared in her hands.

At that moment, dark storm clouds appeared. Thunder rumbled and lightning cracked, sending a bolt straight at Idena. It knocked her back, but the girl was okay.
"This is a cursed storm!" Merlin had to yell to make himself heard.
"You think I don't know that?" She held up her staff, and slammed it back down, creating a small force field around her and Merlin.
"Lightning is your thing. Can you do anything about this?" Idena gestured towards the stormy sky.
"I don't know, let's see!" Merlin used his cards and clapped his hands together, creating a shock wave. It blew most of the storm clouds away, clearing the skies.
"That was weirdly easy." Idena went to run a finger through her hair, but it came back sticky.
Holding her hand out in front of her, she saw blood on her finger.
"Idena, are you- oh my gosh." Merlin started to stutter. "You- you're bleeding." He gripped her shoulders trying to process.
"Snap out of it! I'll be fine."

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