Pain & Confusion

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The teams spread out, covering different areas, all looking out for mysterious figures and hints of magic. As the sun got hot on her face, Idena had pulled her hood up to block it out. Glad to spend time with her, Merlin would ask a question every now and then, regarding her preferences, or her past, but after a short period of time, her answers became less and less frequent. Her walking began to slow down, and at one point it stopped entirely.

"What is it?" The wizard asked, stepping close to her.
"This place feels familiar."
"Maybe you've fulfilled a wish or two here."
"No, I've never left Fairytale Island before."
"You're sure?"
"Is it possible this place just reminds you of somewhere else?"
"I guess." She shrugged as the two continued walking.


Nothing. They had found absolutely nothing. The sun had started to set, casting strange shadows throughout the city. Idena hadn't expected to locate the culprit in one day, the city was pretty large, but she was getting nervous. She wasn't sure how much longer her 'mother' was going to let her continue on this quest. And she wasn't sure how long it was going to be until her next assignment.

Just as they were headed back to the boat, smoke filled the air.
"What- what is this?" Merlin coughed, tripping over his words. It was growing thicker by the second, considerably decreasing the visibility. It began to part around them in a dome with a green tint. The wizard looked at his companion to see her wielding her staff.
"We should find out where this is coming from."

Moving as quickly as they could, the two made their way to the source of the smoke. It seemed to be coming from a large, open square.
"Merlin, I think someone's using magic."
"I can sort of feel it. Besides, with this much smoke, I'm pretty sure we would have seen a fire by now." Merlin nodded in agreement, before pulling out some of his cards. They edged closer to the center, carefully watching for a magician.

The smoke was so thick, the two practiced stumbled over a girl, hunched up and crying. Short black hair fell over her face as it was pressed against her knees. She seemed to be in a state of shock. This is the caster. Idena noted in surprise. Both put away their talismans.
"Hey, are you okay?" Merlin spoke gently, bending down to her height. The girl sniffed when she looked up.
"There's smoke everywhere, and I don't know how to make it stop." She sounded panicked and scared.
"Hey, it's okay." The wizard smiled at her. "Just calm down. Take some deep breaths. In. Out." He demonstrated, before she followed suit. "There you go."

The smoke slowly dissipated, leaving only trails of it behind. Merlin offered her a hand, and helped her up.
"What's your name?"
"Maria." She couldn't have been over ten years old.
"Are you okay?"
"I-I think so." Maria turned and looked at Idena, her big blue eyes sparkling in the evening sun. Pain erupted in her head, and the princess put a hand to her temple. The boy looked at her concerned but she waved him off.
"It'll pass."

They ended up walking the girl home. The two wanted to make sure nothing happened to Maria. On the way there, Merlin bumped into Idena a bit, and he intertwined their fingers, sending a slight smile to the princess's face. When they finally made it to the girl's house, they knocked. It took a second, but then the door opened. A guy, that appeared to be their age, opened the door. He was tall, taller than Merlin, with the same black hair and blues eyes as the girl. Idena lifted her other hand to her temple again, and the wizard squeezed her hand gently.
"Maria?! Are you okay? I was so worried." He ushered her inside, before turning to look at the other two.
"Thank you so much for bringing her home. My sister's been struggling lately, with being able to control her magic, and-"

The words died on his lips as he looked at Idena. His eyes widened as his mouth opened in shock. When he resumed speaking, it was much quieter than before. "Clarissa?"
"W-what?" She was confused, but the name actually sounded familiar.
"Oh gosh, your voice still sounds the same. I know it's you." He rushed forward and hugged her. "I thought I lost you." Idena shoved him away from her, before pressing both hands to her head. She grunted.
"Woah, space, man! What's your name?" Merlin stepped between the two.
"My name's-"
"Troy. His name's Troy." Idena gasped out, panting.
"Idena, how do you know this guy?"
"I'm not sure." She fell to her knees.
"What's going on? 'Idena'? And who's this guy?"
"I'm Prince Merlin, Leader of the Fearless 7." He blinked in surprise.
"The Fearless 7? Here? That's crazy!" Idena grunted again, and Merlin bent down next to her.
"What's happening, love?"
"It hurts." She whispered.
"We should get you back. Come on." Merlin tried to help her stand, but she wasn't holding up her own weight.
"Here, I've got a spare room, why don't you take her inside." Troy looked at the two in concern. Merlin nodded and picked her up, bridal style, and carried her inside. At Troy's directions, he found the spare room, and placed Idena on the mattress. She relaxed a little, but she looked pale. Merlin glanced at the boy standing in the doorway, watching.
"Could you give us some privacy?" He nodded and closed the door. The wizard heard his steps as they moved away.
"Idena?" She grunted slightly. "Come on, love. Talk to me."
"Hot." The girl managed to mutter out. Merlin reacted instantly, removing her hooded robe and her shoes. Her eyes looked glazed over, like they were staring at something in the distance. Not too long after, she dozed off.

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