Oh a little reminder

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...December 22nd...2011..


"Remind me again," Knock Out said,hiding behind a large mountain land formation. "What does this planet have besides trees and snow?"

"This planet has a rich amount of energon underground within the mountains," Starscream said, showing a holograph representation of the underground tunnels to Knock Out. "Megatron has placed us here to kill the witnesses who run out of the entrance to warn the others."

Knock Out sighs.

"Really," Knock Out said, turning his helm towards Starscream. Knock Out has a look of disbelief growing on his faceplate. "That is what we have to do?"

"Apparently," Starscream said, casually.

Knock Out flakes off snow from his shoulder plating.

"If my armor gets rusty because of the snow; some one is gonna get a piece of me," Knock Out said. "I have been cleaning my armor so well I can break the record Buritto had set."

Starscream stares at Knock Out.

"Burrito is dead, you know," Starscream said.

"I know," Knock Out said.

"You are competing against a dead cybertronian," Starscream said.

"His armor was so shiny he blinded all the Autobots during a mission to retrieve a Decepticon of interest and not one Autobot attacked him," Knock Out said. "I am waiting for that day to happen because not only can a medic be a expert on cars and paintjobs; they need a distraction plan."

"Your armor is not gray, kid," Starscream said. "The only thing you'll blind is the air."

Knock Out frowns.

"So not true," Knock Out said.

"The only thing you'll blend into is a red room," Starscream said. "Sad but true."

Starscream stood up then shot down a fleeing figure.

Knock Out looks over the natural land formation to see the figure had landed on the ground face first not making a sound.

"Hey," Knock Out said, turning his helm. "I can't do long range targets. Why am I here?"

"Oh Knock Out," Starscream said. "You still have much to learn," Starscream has a short laugh. "It is not about aiming," Starscream ducks a shot by one of the residents. "It is about being able to adapt to your disadvantages."

Knock Out picks up a heavy rock.

"I will prove my aiming is terrible," Knock Out said.

Knock Out tosses the rock after the direction in which the shot came from.

The rock hit the treefreeon resident at the face so hard they fell back and hit the base of their head on a sharp rock. They had a quick death for a really lousy shot. Starscream saw the resident fall to their death as Knock Out had his arms folded facing towards the seeker.

Starscream turns his helm towards Knock Out.

"Your aiming is not bad," Starscream said.

Knock Out rubs his forehelm.

"It is bad," Knock Out said.

Starscream narrows his optics towards Knock Out.

"Kid," Starscream said. "You killed a resident of this planet using a rock."

Knock Out gave Starscream a dirty look.

"I don't believe you," Knock Out said.

"Vehicons cannot throw properly," Starscream said. "That is why they are inside the caves and you are out here with me. Unlike your opinion about your aiming; it is excellent."

"That was a rock," Knock Out said. "When I throw baseballs they don't hit the bat."

Starscream blinks.

"What?" Starscream asks.

"It hits their optics," Knock Out said, shamefully lowering his helm.

"Good aiming," Starscream said, with a snicker.

"It is terrible," Knock Out said.

"I can't hit a baseball into a optic," Starscream said. "Your skill is impressive."

"I call it a flaw not a skill,"  Knock Out said, raising his helm up.

A smile grew on Starscream's faceplate.

"I assume your optics are clean from your recent venture into the world of Fan Fiction," Starscream said.

Knock Out sighs.

"Don't remind me," Knock Out said, lowering his helm with a wince.

Starscream pauses contemplating what had been said in the conversatiopn.

"What?" Knock Out asks, as Starscream looks at him strangely.

"You have been playing human sports with Amy and the vehicons!" Starscream said.

Knock Out rubs the back of his helm with a sheepish laugh.

"Speed soccer is fun," Knock Out admits. "Three minutes per game."

"What else have you been playing?" Starscream asks.

"Dodgeball, kickball, matball, basketball,baseball," Knock Out lists, as Starscream got up then shot at another fleeing resident. "Weaving—which doesn't act like a game when it is metal wrapped around sticks—,pickleball, and a lot of others to name a few."

Starscream lowers back down.

"All of this from Amy?" Starscream asks.

"Yes," Knock Out said. "Even with her speaking so fast there is at least a couple of vehicons who understand a word she says."

Starscream gasps.

"Amy has translators?" Starscream asks, shocked.

"Of course she does," Knock Out said. "But we don't bring them out a lot because last time we did; well, um, we found out another part of her."

Starscream frowns.

"I want to know this," Starscream said.

"Amy had a emotional break down," Knock Out said. "We really should not have done it with her around."

"Amy?" Starscream said, with a laugh. "Emotional breakdown? I don't believe that."

"Starscream," Knock Out said. "I did some research and guess work; but the thing is; even humans can get emotional truamatized and she is scared to show negative feelings."

"But she acts like she doesn't mind what we do," Starscream said.

"That is a different story," Knock Out said. "She is really good at hiding it. But that solar cycle..." Knock Out sighs. "We frankly made one of the vehicons a trigger for Amy. And we also deflated her rolling ball of emotions at the same time."

"How do you manage her not seeing this vehicon?" Starscream asks.

"He has four faces," Knock Out said. "It is only one face that bothers Amy."

"Oh," Starscream said. "Poor Steve."

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