Chapter 1: Sidious' Execution

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"I sense confusion in you, Skywalker. Fear is clouding your judgement, so I need you to stay here and let me take care of arresting the Chancellor." 

Mace Windu's words echo inside Anakin's head as he sits in the council room. The sun is beginning to go down causing both rays of light and shadows to scatter across the young Jedi's face. The Master Jedi was right about the younger man's state of mind. Anakin is confused how a Sith Lord could be sitting under the nose of the Jedi Order for such a long time. However, the feeling of fear is what truly is driving him. His fear for Padme losing her life and him being unable to save her just as he was unable to save his mother several years ago. Perhaps if Obi-Wan was here he could talk his student down and assuage his nerves with his wise words. Sadly, Obi-Wan is not there and Anakin is alone...alone with his fear and confusion. The twenty-two year old moves his long hair out of his face before exiting the council room. He feels as though he can no longer sit on the sidelines and that he needs to be there with Mace Windu. With the help of the force, Anakin dashes through the hallways at an impressive speed. 

Taking shallow breaths fueled by anxiety, Anakin's surroundings blur around him before he slows to a light jog and enters the room that is his destination. The tall man Anakin has known for over a decade to be a powerful Jedi Knight, now stands above Chancellor Palpatine. The Chancellor's appearance has changed and smoke is rising from his clothes and his severely wrinkled skin. His eyes are yellow now, revealing all of the anger and darkness from the dark side of the force he possesses. Their gaze looks fearful but some relief reaches them when they look over in Anakin's direction.

"Anakin! I told you that the Jedi are corrupt and that their goal is to take over the republic. They plan on shaping it in their own image!"

"Silence!" Mace barks. "With your death the Sith will finally die off and the oppression you bring along with it comes to an end!" 

Anakin's face softens as an intense uncertainty washes over him. "Master Windu, this is not the Jedi way! He must stand trial!" 

"He is too dangerous to be left alive with the power that he's accumulated." Mace replies, keeping his eyes and amethyst saber pointed downwards. 

The Jedi code was something that Anakin was introduced to almost the moment that he stepped foot inside of the temple. The rules and regulations were a heavy thing to carry and recognize as a nine year old. Even in his early twenties, it still weighs on him and feels wrong to think about going against them. When his mother died and he annihilated the Tusken Raiders, he had felt guilt and shame for breaking the Jedi code. After defeating Count Dooku, the young man had argued against killing him and cited that the Jedi way was for the former Jedi Master to face trial. After the Chancellor's insistent prompts, he went through with it and decapitated his enemy. 

He had felt extreme guilt do to his failings to uphold the Jedi way, but in the moment he begins to think times when other Jedi broke that code. He was there and witnessed Mace Windu kill Jango Fett, he was told of Obi-Wan killing Darth Maul, Obi-Wan is off to kill General Grievous to end the war, and now Mace Windu is seconds away from assassinating the Chancellor. The man that had told him about the dark side made it dangerous but also like freedom. No one had noticed that Palpatine had become a father figure for Anakin, and that the former's grooming is clashing with the ideals instilled in him by the Jedi. It's during this emotional struggle that Anakin's mind goes back to the visions he has had while sleeping, the visions of Padme's death. 

"I need him, please!" 

"Your reign is over, Darth Sidious." 

Master Windu's hardened visage becomes even sharper as he brings his right arm down with his lightsaber in his hand. The Jedi intends to use the amethyst blade to decapitate the last remaining Sith Lord, and even has the warm feeling of triumph beginning to fill his chest. That is why the dark skinned man is so shocked when he suddenly feels an intense burning pain. Anakin's slash of his cobalt lightsaber was swift and instantly cut off the other Jedi's hand above the wrist. The young Jedi recoils from the scene, ashamed as wretched screams of pain erupt from Mace Windu. Anakin avoids looking towards him either, not wanting to see the searing wound he just inflicted. It is a failed attempt as he can still smell the burnt flesh, reminding him of the same pain he felt at the hands of Count Dooku. 

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