Chapter 2: Qui-Gon's Answer

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"This can't be....this just can't be true."

"True it is. Consumed by Vader, Anakin has become." Yoda replies, watching the holographic recording.

"Anakin would not kill his fellow Jedi, and he would NOT kill defenseless younglings!"

"Hm. Closeness between Anakin and the Chancellor, Windu was right to fear."

Obi-Wan rubs his beard. "If that is the case then I'm sure I can free Anakin from whatever spell Palpatine has over him."

"Too far gone is he."

"He's the Chosen One or have you forgotten?"

"Read the prophecy wrong, we could have." Yoda retorts while walking over to his friend. "What to do, your heart does know."

Obi-Wan struggles with the task Master Yoda suggested he do. His heart hurts and he is torn between his feelings and the duty that he must uphold as a Jedi. This feeling only gets worse as he lets himself into Padme's home. Of course, the young woman is awaiting her husband's return and is confused to see Obi-Wan walking into the room. She attempts to hide the very obvious pregnancy bump that she has, but considering she's due anytime that attempt fails.

"Obi-Wan, what is going on? I haven't been able to reach Anakin and the destruction of the Jedi temple-"

"I am afraid those are related." The man quietly says. "I don't know a delicate way to say this, but Anakin has fallen to the dark side."

"That is NOT possible."

"I didn't think so either until I saw the recordings. The destruction of the temple you mentioned earlier was Anakin's doing. The Jedi Knights, the Masters, and even the younglings..."

"I refuse to believe that my husband would do that...a-any of that."

"Husband?" He looks down at Padme's stomach. "He is the father, isn't he? He's kept so much from me..."

Padme wipes a tear away and looks out of the window. "He has visions."

"Visions?" Obi-Wan moves closer.

Padme explains everything. The story comes pouring out of her about how she and Anakin fell in love. How they had to keep it a secret due to the Jedi rules, but got married during the Clone Wars. She then comes back to the topic of visions and explains Anakin's vision of his mother suffering. Her honesty remains as she also informs him about the slaughter of the sand people after Smhi's death. Things then come around to Anakin having visions again...this time of Padme's death. When she is finished she has tears dropping off her face and even the undeviating Obi-Wan's eyes become tinged with tears. The room falls into silence before the Jedi Master turns away towards the door."

"Yoda tasked me with k- eliminating the threat of the Chancellor's apprentice."

"You're going to kill him? You're going to kill Anakin?!"

"They want me to kill Lord Vader." Obi-Wan says, trying to rationalize already. "I'm torn between my duty as a Jedi and my personal feelings...and you know what is supposed to take precedence in the Jedi order."

Padme gets up slowly. "And what if that's wrong? What if the Jedi didn't preach ignoring emotions and locking them away? What if the Jedi allowed for relationships, marriage, and even children? Anakin did not feel like as a Jedi he could share his suffering with anyone around him but me. Is it any surprise the Chancellor was able to persuade him?"

Obi-Wan doesn't have an answer for her. He breaks eye contact from the the pregnant woman and walks to the door to leave. Padme, feeling as though she could be the one to turn Anakin around, starts to follow. She's stopped when an armed guard stands in her way with his hands on a blaster. He's tall and dressed in a dark uniform that is unfamiliar to the politician.

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