What are We Going to do?

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It was 2 am when Keigo Takami, also known as Hawks to the public, awoke with a nauseating feeling deep in his stomach. He sat up groaning, putting his hand to his head as the room spun around him.
"What the hell is going on..." he whispered to himself. He felt his stomach lurch, he got up as swiftly and quietly as he could to not wake his dark haired partner sleeping soundly.
Keigo shut the door to the bathroom, cautious to not let it click. Thank goodness he wasn't a loud puker. He kneeled over the porcelain seat and braced himself for the inevitable stream of sick that was about to emerge from his body.

This is the third night in a row. What is wrong with me? The red winged hero thought to himself. It was true, Keigo had been awoken to his nauseated stomach for the third night in a row. Head spinning, and throwing up for the remainder of the night. He was dragging his way through his work days, wondering how in the world he was going to function at work for a third day in a row on 4 hours of sleep. It was agonizing.

Keigo heaved quietly as another stream of sick left his mouth. The acidic taste of bile burning his throat as it left.

This freakin sucks.

After what felt like an eternity, he felt his stomach settle and drowsiness crept through his eyelids. He silently made his way out of the bathroom and back into his warm bed next to his alpha. The clock read 4:30 am, and Keigo moaned internally.

2 more hours of sleep.

At least he'd get an extra hour compared to the last two nights.

The two extra hours felt like nothing. Keigo's alarm started going off and he groaned as he rolled over to silence it. He checked his phone and saw a text from Endeavor:

Fire Tits- 6:30 am
You better be awake Hawks. Do NOT be late to our patrol again.

Keigo sighed as he rolled out of bed and headed for the dreaded bathroom again. Except this time it was just to shower. Keigo was rinsing his sweaty blonde locks in the shower, still feeling really dizzy from the events that took place two hours ago. He noticed though that his feathers were a brighter crimson than usual.

"Morning bird brain." He heard a raspy deep voice say as the shower curtain moved to the side.
"Morning." Keigo responded lovingly.
"What no insult? That's unlike you." Touya, also known as the villain Dabi, responded.

"Don't feel good."

"Again? I'm started to get worried about you feathers." Touya walked into the shower and started to run his fingers through his omega's wings, sending chills down Keigo's spine.

"Mmm, feels good." A relaxed moan escaped his mouth, calmed pheromones radiated in the warm shower.

"Much better. Want to tell me what got you all stressed this morning?" Touya asked. Keigo hadn't even realized he was putting off stress pheromones, leave it to his Alpha to smell them that fast.

"I must have a bug or something. I've woken up sick three nights in a row and I only get like three hours of sleep. I'm exhausted. I ran late yesterday and the day before so you're dads pissed at me." Keigo got out between relaxed noises, Touya was still massaging his wings.

"Babe that seems off. Why haven't you woken me up?" Touya was a bit annoyed his omega had been in distress during the night and his pheromones hadn't woken him up.

".. had scent blockers on. Didn't want to wake you" Keigo let his head fall back on Touya's shoulder.
"Wake me up next time idiot. I don't want you being unwell by yourself." Touya demanded in his alpha voice. Keigo's knees went weak as he flinched away from Touya.

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