Telling Touya

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Keigo came to a few minutes after blacking out. Originally, he thought it had been a dream. Yeah, it was just a bad dream. There was no baby, Endeavor and Reí were definitely not questioning him about his sex life with Touya, and yeah absolutely no chance of a baby.

That picture perfect reality shattered when Keigo opened his eyes and saw the concerned faces of Reí and Endeavor standing over him.

"I wasn't dreaming." Keigo said disappointedly. He sat up slowly and brought his knees to his chest. His distress pheromones were so strong but he couldn't help it. He was in absolute disbelief right now.

"How did I let this happen." Keigo groaned, hiding his face into his knees.
"Honey, it's okay. He's your mate, I'm just glad you two aren't unmated." Reí tried to comfort him.

"Yeah but he's a villain at the end of the day, no one even knows we're together. What's going to happen when I start showing?!" Keigo's breathing was unhitched.

"Ugh. I have to go." Keigo said as he got up and quickly exited the Todoroki household. Reí tried to go after him but he was too quick taking off.

He landed on a nearby building, and pulled out his phone.

Queen Miruko- 8:45 am
K: hey can i come over, it's an sos

M: yes boo come

K: omw

Keigo landed in Miruko's front door. And before he could knock his best friend was opening the door and pulling him in.

"Dude you smell weird, what's going on??" The alpha woman asked. Pheromones exploded off of Keigo. Smells of pure panic, anxiety and distress. Miruko tried to release some calming pheromones to help him calm down but knew they wouldn't work as well as his Alpha's.

Keigo was hyperventilating, when did he start doing that?!

"Fuck. It's bad. I'm pre- I'm - UGH I'm knocked up." Keigo choked out. He wanted to vomit just saying it.

"Holy shit no way. Were you guys trying for a pup??" Miruko asked.

"Fuck no, not right now. No way. Im not ready for this. I'm freaking out." Keigo paced around the hallway with his hands in this hair. His feathers were fluffed up and he couldn't keep his pheromones in.

"Hey Kei, first off let's breathe. You're spazzing out. It's going to be okay, we'll figure this out. Have you told Touya?"

"Hell no. He'd probably leave me, he's not trying to have a family, we talked about all that when we mated."

"You have to tell him."

"I could just abort it. Then he'd never know."

"Kei, I know you don't want to do that."

He didn't. He wouldn't be able to. He loved kids, he just wasn't ready for his own. Not like he had much of a choice now.

"I- Ugh I- I don't know what to do." Keigo burst into tears. He couldn't even stop the flood if he wanted to, he was so panicked. How in the hell was he going to tell Touya?!

"Hey shh. Shh, it's okay. Breathe. He's your mate Kei, he's going to be there for you through this. And if he isn't I'll kill him." Miruko tried to lighten the mood.

"But seriously Kei, you know you can stay here if anything happens. I really think you should tell him though."

"You're right. Im just freaked out. How did I not notice?" Keigo put his face in his hands anxiously.

"Did your cycles sync?" Miruko asked. Keigo nodded, face still in his palms.

"You guys were probably feral, it happens." Miruko said .

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