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When Keigo came to, he was in a familiar hospital room. He had been here a few times through his years of hero work, obviously. 

He looked around and saw Rei and Rumi in the chairs by his bedside. 

"h-hey" his voice cracked. The two girls whipped their heads around. 

"Kei, thank goodness. You okay?" Rumi grabbed her best friends hand. 

"I dunno, you tell me." his voice was raspy, "is the baby okay?" his eyes had a sheen of concern coaxed in them as he caressed his stomach. 

"The baby is okay, they're developing at a fast rate and your womb was having a hard time keeping up. The doctor said you need to eat more. You're too thin for someone entering their second trimester in a month." Rei explained.

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was miscarrying." Keigo threw his head back on the pillow in relief. 

"It's still serious Kei. You're eating for two, don't forget that. You could starve the baby or yourself if you're not careful." Rumi warned. Keigo frowned. 

"It'll be okay. You need to take it easy for a few days to let your womb recover from the rapid growth." Rei said. 

"I'm going to stay with you at your place okay? I want to be around in case something happens." Rumi said. Keigo nodded, he appreciated his friend being so concerned. But he couldn't shake the longing feeling for his alpha. That's who he wanted with him more than anything. 

"Oh and the doctor pushed your due date up a month, the baby is growing so fast, they're expecting them by June 12th." Rumi said. Keigo's heart dropped. 

"Wait what? That's... Touya won't be out on parol by then." Keigo felt tears coming but stopped himself. 

"I know Kei. But listen, if for some reason they don't allow his parol he won't be out for two years. We're here for you, we'll be there every second." Rumi tried to assure him. Keigo just felt rage now, he was so mad at this new reality he was facing. If they hadn't gone through with this stupid plan to integrate him back into society, he wouldn't be alone, possibly delivering their baby by himself. 

"Can we leave?" Keigo asked coldly. Rumi nodded and the doctors came in to reassess and release. 

Rei pulled the car around and drove the two back to Keigo's apartment. Keigo made a straight line for his bed. 

"I'm going to make you some food." Rumi called out. All she received back was a muffled 'k' from the bedroom. 

Keigo would be 14 weeks pregnant next week. His stomach was starting to protrude, a small baby bump could be seen. He knew with his figure he wouldn't show too much until the last few weeks, but the bump was a little bigger than he expected. 

Must be from the rapid growth.

Slow down, would ya kid? I want your dad with us when you come. Keigo caressed his stomach.

Rumi had spent the last two weeks with Keigo, making sure he was eating well. She even went with him to visit Touya. She could tell Touya felt some relief knowing she was watching over his omega while he couldn't. But Touya couldn't shake the slight guilt he felt for not being there when the incident happened. 

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