Morning Sickness + Realities

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The first trimester was not easy on Keigo's body. He was wracked with the worst nausea possible, which would lead to what felt like endless bouts of throwing up. This morning was the same as others. 

A stream of sick hit the toilet water and a pale-faced omega Keigo was kneeled over it, face on the cool porcelain. He had been at it for almost 20 minutes and didn't feel like it was going to stop anytime soon. 

A gentle knock came on the door of the bathroom. 

"Hey babe, can I come in?" Touya asked from the other side of the door. All he received back as an answer was a mumbled grunt. He entered the bathroom with water and buttered toast, hoping that getting something in his lover's stomach would bring some sort of relief. 

"Wanna try to eat some of this?" Touya asked, more like pleaded. He hated seeing Keigo like this. 

"...not hungry," Keigo responded glancing up at his alpha with weary eyes. He turned his head back towards the toilet as another wave of nausea hit him, causing him to heave. 

"Shh, shh, I'm here. I'm here." His alpha tried to soothe him, rubbing circles on his back. 

"This sucks." Keigo retorted, spitting the remainder of his sick out of his mouth. 

"I'm sorry love, I wish I could do something." Touya looked guilty. 

"I can text my mom, and see if she knows any remedies. She has done this four times." Touya suggested. 

"...whatever just make it stop..." Keigo groaned, heaving into the toilet yet again. He had no breaks to catch his breath. 

Mom <3 9:34 am 

T: hey mom 

R: Hi sweetheart, what's up

T: Keigo has morning sickness really bad

R: how bad?

T: he hasn't stopped throwing up for over 20 minutes :/ I'm trying to help but it's not working 

R: I'll head over in a moment. 

T: thanks mom 

"Moms on her way," Touya informed his omega. Keigo nodded, breathing heavily. 

Rei was over quickly, and when she was greeted at the door by her eldest son, she could instantly smell the distressed pheromones in the air. 

"He's really not well, is he?" Rei questioned. 

"No mom, it's bad. Did you ever get bad morning sickness?" Touya asked. 

"Only with you." She gave him a smirk, "I have some ginger root, Let's seep it in some tea and it should help." 

The two walked into the kitchen and Touya handed his mom the means to make the tea. The distress pheromones grew stronger in the room and Touya felt his alpha wanting to be with his mate. 

"I think he's about to be sick again, I'm going to go be with him." 

Rei nodded, understanding that Touya couldn't fight with his instincts. Moments later, she could hear the broken sounds of someone heaving. 

Poor thing.  She thought. 

Rei joined the two mates in the bathroom a few minutes later with the tea. 

"Keigo sweetie, can you try to sip some of this? It'll help your nausea." Rei handed him the warm tea. Keigo made a face, grabbing the tea with shaky hands. 

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