not now, please.

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June 4th came pretty fast. The last three weeks had been a bit of a blur for Keigo as he and Endeavor were doing scouting work for the mission.

"It's important we stay silent on this mission. We have to move with stealth." Endeavor explained to the team he was leading along with Keigo.

"Hawks will go sky-bound and give us the signal when it's clear. Understood?"

"Yes sir." The heroes responded.

"Right, break. I will tell you when we head out."

Endeavor and Keigo walked away from the team of heroes who were helping them on the spy mission.

Keigo opened his phone to a few texts from the groupchat.

Fam Bam- 2:00 pm

S: We're at the courthouse.

F: Fingers crossed!! There's good energy in here, can smell everyone's scents.

K: That's great news.

E: Keep us updated.

"We have to push this aside for now. This mission is important." Endeavor regurgitated for the 100th this week.

"Yeah, I got it." Keigo caressed his stomach which was still shockingly not that large.

"You feeling okay to do this?" Endeavor questioned. Keigo had been experiencing Braxton-hick contractions lately. They would come and go.

"They're just false contractions. I'm good." He stated firmly. Endeavor nodded.

"Alright team, let's head out."

When they arrived at the mission location Hawks took off to the sky. The rest of the team waited eagerly to infiltrate. Their mission was simple, get in, get out, and grab the Nomu devices on their way. Hawks was the lookout, making sure there were no nomus on the outside who could attack during the infiltration.

Hawks circled the building from high above, he spotted nothing. He sent a feather back down to his team.

Endeavor noticed the feather.

"Go." He stated and the team took off for the building.

Hawks came back down and stood next to Endeavor.

"Green side should be inside by now." Endeavor stated. Hawks had feathers with each part of the team.

"Yeah, they're in." He stated.


Keigo suddenly jerked forward as another false contraction hit him. Endeavor looked over.

"You good Hawks?"

Keigo held onto the wall next to him.

That one was intense.

"Yeah I'm good." He reassured the number one hero.
Endeavor kept his concerned eyes on his comrade.

"Mission success sir, we're on our way out." One of the heroes spoke through the communication device.
"Heard. We'll meet you outside." Endeavor stated, "Hawks fly up and scout while they come out."
Hawks nodded and flew up into the air.
He searched the parameters and saw no sign of Nomu. He landed on a roof top nearby, giving him the perfect view. Then it hit him again, another contraction, he was starting to worry that these weren't Braxton-Hick.

Aaggh, not now. Please not yet.
Keigo fell to his knees, clutching his stomach waiting for it to pass. He kept his eyes up trying to make sure there were no Nomu. He watched as the last of the heroes joined endeavor.

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