Meet The Loonatics

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Somewhere in tune world a mysterious figure was doing experiments with chemicals in her roo

???: a little bit of this and it should be-

The whole thing exploded in her face.

???: *cough* *cough* first test failed I'll just-

Penelope pussycat: Nora! your going to be late for dinner!

The person doing experiments was a young cartoon cat. She was doing it in her room

Nora: I'm coming mom! I swear sometimes I feel like a Loonatic...


The next day Nora continued doing experiments with chemicals but this time was working with Rory.

Rory: and then my dad came back to life after being deleted! Isn't that cool?!

Nora: yes but you told me this story multiple times already

Rory: yeah know but it never gets old

Nora grabbed another cup with chemicals and slowly portal in the cup with other mix of chemicals

Nora: just one drop...

Rory: did I tell you about the trials my mom had to go through in order to become an Amazon?!

Nora was surprised by Rory's excitement she dropped the entire cup of chemicals into the other the other cup and it started shaking

Nora: get down!

Rory and Nora hid behind noras bed but the The chemicals stop shaking. Both girls looked at the failed experiment

Rory: well that was anticlimactic...

Nora: that is a good thing!

Suddenly the chemicals exploded and created a portal that was sucking Rory and Nora inside

Rory: I probably shouldn't have said anything!

Nora: you think?!

They were both sucked inside the portal and then it disappeared


Nora and Rory landed in ally way in acmetropolis in the year 2772

Rory: well that was a wild ride

Nora: yeah. Let's just try to get back home

They both stood up but Nora now a lot taller. A little bit taller then Rory and her clothes still fit

Nora: did you get shorter?

Rory: no! You got taller!

Rory gave nora a mirror so nora could see what she looked like

Nora: can I have a growth spurt or something?! Last I checked I was half the height of my mom!

Nora became invisible and when she didn't see herself in the mirror she dropped it and it broke

Nora: what's going on?!

Rory: I don't know!

Rory looked at the date on her phone and it was the year 2772

Rory: Nora we're stuck in the future and you have powers! Normally this would be really cool but I'm terrified right now!

Nora: I know but stop yelling!

Rory: I'm sorry! I yell when I'm terrified! You know that!

Nora: I do know that but it doesn't make it ok!

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