Weathering Heights

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In the Loonatics headquarters Rory was trying to watch the looney tunes because it reminds her of home but the power wasn't working.

Duck took the remote and changed the channel to the weather news

Rory: hey! I was watching the looney tunes!

Danger Duck: not anymore. My favorite weather reporter Misty breeze is on

Zadavia appeared as a hologram

Zadavia: I'm receiving reports that a strange weather phenomenon all over the planet.

Everyone looked at Nora

Nora: oh so just because My powers are electricity automatically means is it my fault? It's not!

Ace: we believe you and isn't monitoring the weather more of a job for-

Danger Duck: Misty Breeze?

Zadavia: Not this kind of weather. You better move fast

The hologram disappeared

Ace: let's jet loonatics!


The Loonatics left headquarters and used jet packs to fly towards the storm to find out what was causing it.

Tech was about to be electrocuted by lightning

Nora: look out!

Nora blocked the lighting bolt

Tech: thanks for the save

Nora: its no problem

Then they all saw a new villain on top of a building

Weather Vane: No stealing my thunder Nora! Back off! Cloud Creatures put these heroes in a fog!

She created monsters made out of clouds

Danger Duck: oh scary clouds. What are you gonna stop us from getting a tan?

Rory: or maybe stop us from breathing!

Rev was running around a cloud monster trying to make it dizzy.

Rev: Here'ssomethingyoudon'tseeonasunnydayI couldbewrongbutitlookslikethey'realivehowisthat possiblecloudsarejustformakingrainnotstrikingterror intotheheartsofthecity!

Rory threw her boomerang at one of the cloud monsters but it just went right through it

Rory: how can we fight air?!

Weather Vane: Let's pump up the clouds and bring in the fog!

The city got more foggy making it harder for the Loonatics to fight the cloud monsters

Rory: Nora can't you shoot them with electricity?

Nora: ever heard of thunder and lightning? If I attacked the clouds with my powers it'll just make them stronger

Rory: oh yeah. I probably should've paid attention more in science

Rev: myinternalradarcantdistinguishbetweenwhatis thecloudcreatureandwhatisthefoganditsgettingprettyhardtoavoidtheirgrip!

Weather Vane: Clouds of Thunder destroy them!

Lexi saw a fire hydrant and brain blasted making water go straight into the clouds

Lexi: Clouds absorb water! And to think I only got a B in science.

Ace: That's great Lexi. But you sure you wanna make them bigger?

The cloud got bigger but the faded away

Rev: IwannatrythatletmetrythatIwannatrythathereit goes!

He ran towards a water fountain and splashed water into the cloud creature making fade away to. Everyone else used water to defeat the clouds

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