Search For Tweetums And A Way Home

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The Loonatics and Sylth Vester were able to find the real tweetums In a big cave

Tweetums: I'm a sweet Tweetums hiding on Planet Blanc. I'm small and so cute and at least I'm safe from that old putty cat

Rory: Aww! Your so cute!

Sylth Vester: That's it! Kiss your royal butt goodbye

He fell through a trap door and landed in water. He was able to climb back out

Tweetums:I knew this would be the one place where the bad men would never find me or my scepter

Rory: well your safe now I promise

They all turned around and saw Optimatus standing there

Optimatus: Loonatics. Thanks for leading the way. Too bad you won't be staying

Rory took out her boomerang

Rory: lets finish this right here and now!

Deuce walked next to Optimatus

Deuce: I hope you don't mind but I brought along a few guests.

A bunch of robots burst in and attacked the loonatics. Rory used her boomerang to hit a lot of them with one throw. She caught her boomerang when it came back. Then Deuce grabbed tweetums

Deuce: Hand over the royal scepter!

Rory: yeah right. Your bluffing!

Deuce: oh really?

He started squeezing tweetums

Deuce: I'm waiting for an answer!

Ace gave him the scepter and deuce let go of tweetums. Then Optimatus and Deuce captured Duck got away and trapped everyone inside the cave

Lexi: Maybe I can blast us out.

Ace: Better halter the brain blast Lexi This place could come down at any time.

Suddenly Tech rev and Nora were able to get through using giant drills

Ace: Tech! Rev! Nora! You guys are a breath of fresh air!

Rory kissed Rev. He almost fainted but held it together

Tech: We locked onto your tracking signal and got here as soon as we could

Nora: luckily we had these drills so that saved some time

Rev: Ifitweren'tforthelawofphysicswhichhasnothing totravelfasterthanthespeedoflightwemight'vegotten hereevensooner

Rory: your here now! That's what matters the most

Tweetums: You must stop the bad men Ace and save my friend Sir Duck.

Sylth Vester: it's over! They got the royal scepter!

Tweetums: True but the royal scepter don't work without the royal jewel.

Nora: that's a little too convenient

Tweetums: I gave it to Sir Duck when I knighted him. I couldn't chance it falling into the wrong hands.

Ace: Where is the missing gem?

Tweetums: Safely around Sir Duck's neck.

Lexi: But Duck is in the wrong hands!

Rory: so we're right back where we started

Tweetums: That's why you must stop them from reaching wormhole central before it's to late!

Ace: Lexi Rory Sylth your with me! Tech Nora Rev keep an eye on our royal majesty!

Nora: you got it Ace

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