Family Business

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Rory woke up to the sound of her alarm on her phone. She picked it up and turned it off but then she noticed the date on her calendar

Rory: I-It's that day already?


Later that day tech and Nora were experimenting on a robot bug

Ace: Give us the scoop on this bug Tech.

Tech: Well to put it simply it's an extraterrestrial Bio Tech Symons parasite that enables the host with thought control levitation powers.

Ace: A what?

Duck: To put it simpler a thingamajig.

Nora: if someone has this whole angry or upset they become a supervillain

Tech: That's right! Once it attaches it'll take over anyone's free will and acted only on there deepest darkest desires

Rory stepped away from the robot bug then saw rev cleaning up the headquarters

Lexi: rev what's the rush?

Rev: sorrycan'tnotimegottacleanupgotitorganized gottamakeHQreadyforvisitorswhoIforgottomentionI invitedandarecomingfromoutoftowntheywillbehere anysecond

The doorbell rang

Rev: Whichwouldbethissecond!

Rory: who did you invite?

Rev: myfamily!

He opened the door and saw his parents and little brother

Rev: mom!pop!rip!

Ralph:Thereheis!How'sthatsonofmine?It'ssogoodto seeyouaftersuchalonglongwhileofnotseeinghimNow finallyseeinghimhisnewdigsthismustbethesuper crimefightingI'veheardaboutofcourseIamralph runnerandthisisHarrietjustcallusMaandPaRunner andthisisRip

Rip: hey

Rory: it's nice to meet you

Harriet: youmustbeRoryRevtoldussomuchaboutyou!

Rory: h-he does?

Rev: mom!

Rip: I can already see why rev likes her so much

Danger Duck: haha!

Harriet: andItissogoodtoseeyouRevhoneyEvenifI shouldscoldyoufornotcalling

Danger Duck: how does Rory understand what they're saying?! I'm checking into a hotel

Rev: folksIthinkyouneedtoslowdownjustalittlefor theirsakeok

Harriet: so... nice... to... meet... you...

Rev: okmaybenotthatslowmom

Ralph ran over to the loonatics

Ralph: Howareyou?Nicetomeetyoudon'ttellmeI'm reallygoodwithnames... mace... bexi... Rory... Dork... Cora... and-

He saw tech

Ralph: The coyote...

Harriet: Oh dear and no leash

Nora: now that's just-!

Rev: sorry they have coyotes issues

Tech: Maybe I should get back to work. Wouldn't wanna accidentally eat your ma and pa.

Tech walked into his lab and Nora followed him

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