The World Is My Circus

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The Loonatics were waiting for Zadavia to appear as a hologram but she didn't show up

Lexi: Tech is that a new toy?

Nora: it's not a toy

Tech: it's my latest and perhaps greatest invention, the Glue Gel 9000. The plasma energy core fires an impenetrable gelatins substance which provides a safe effective way to trap all enemies.

Rory: isn't that just glue?

Nora: more like much stronger then normal glue

Danger Duck: Where is Zadavia? Did somebody forget to pay the hologram bill again?

Lexi: Patience is a virtue Duck.

Danger Duck: What are you a fortune cookie?

Ace: It's not like her to stand us up. You sure we got the time right?

Nora: yes. We're right on time but don't know why she's late. That's never happens

Rory: there's first time for everything

Lexi heard something

Lexi: hold on guys. I'm hearing something I don't like!

Then the alarm went off

Lexi: told you so

A monkey ran into the headquarters

Danger Duck: a hideous beast is invading HQ! Run for your lives I mean attack!

Rory: but it's just a-

Duck attack the monkey but it jumped in Ace's arms

Lexi: I think it likes you Ace.

Ace: Check out the collar. It's from the Space Circus.

Rory: I've never been to the Circus before

Nora: imagine what a circus is like in the year 2772

Lexi: Poor thing it must've escaped and gotten lost.

Duck: Don't touch it! It's probably infested with intergalactic blood sucking fleas! I say we get rid of it!

Rory: why? It's kinda cute

Ace: I think it's time we take a trip to the big top. Let's jet!


The Loonatics arrived at the Circus. Nora was holding the monkey

Rev: maybewe'llgetfreepassestothespacecircusfor doingagooddeedforreturninganintergalacticoddityto itshomeit'llbesocoolIlovethecircusthere'ssomuch goodstufftoeatcandyandpopcornanddelicioustaffy it'llgreat!

Rory: I wish we could get tickets to see the show!

Nora put the monkey on the ground

Nora: your free to go

Danger Duck: You heard her! Shoo! Scram! Buzz off!

The monkey ran to the entrance but then looked at the team again

Ace: I think it wants us to follow it


They all followed the monkey in the Circus and saw a bunch of weird looking animals in cages. Then security guards found them

Rev: maybetheseguyscanhelpweyourlostfriendalso canwegetfreepassesforthecircusbecausethatwouldbe great!

Rory: what kind of performances are there?

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