"I'm here."

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(What's up! It's been two years so I decided it was time to write again, I hope you enjoy it!)

My fingers cut through his soft hair without me even trying. They glide quickly through the brown waves of beautifully toned locks. I'm almost jealous at how easy it must be to maintain hair like this. All you would have to do it brush it in the morning and be on your way. No big poofy hair that's a tangled mess. My hair is just loud and often in the way. I still love my hair no doubt. But to have something as gorgeous as this would be wonderful.

I felt Arin start to stir from his nap. He fell asleep after he got annoyed at the game he was playing. He said he was just going to rest his eyes for a bit but the second his head found it's way into my lap I knew he was going to sleep. I didn't mind of course. He's such a busy man and he stresses out too much. I have no problem letting him have some rest. The only issue is that he doesn't like it when I let him sleep.

"Oh gosh, did I fall asleep again?" I heard Arin tiredly mumble as he sat up. I quickly moved my hand from his hair.

"What time is it?" He questioned again. I pulled out my phone, now that I was able to.

"It's ok big cat, you just took a 20 minute nap."

Arin sighed, I knew he was trying not to be frustrated with me because of the way he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Dan, I know you think I need more sleep but we really don't have time for naps."

I looked down at my lap where my hands where. The spot where his head laid now feeling cold and my hands fidgeted with one another seemingly not knowing what to do anymore.

"You do need more sleep. You do not give yourself enough rest for this. What's the point in recording if you're not at your best?" I say, trying to talk sense into him.

"How much sleep I get is none of your concern. I know you're worried about me but I promise I'm fine. My schedule should go back to normal next week. Then I can sleep all I want."

Arin grabbed the controller that he dropped on the floor and started to write down the starting times to record. I felt an anxious pit in my stomach as I latched onto his shoulder with my one hand. This caused him to turn his head to me, but he didn't look pleased. He was annoyed and frustrated. He wanted to do all these episodes at once because we were going on tour soon. But even on tour he'll just be more restless. I've seen it time and time again. It wouldn't be until after the tour that he'd crash and only for a week before hopping back into it. He always says he needs to be doing something to keep his mind busy and I get that. Being at home by yourself is hard sometimes. But we do these breaks for a reason so we don't let ourselves break down. It's not healthy or safe. I can't let him do this again.

"Look, I know all this stuff up coming is a lot but I promise we'll be just fine, we always are."

"Because we back log episodes-."

"-Yes but also because people understand we're only human and that we aren't perfect. What I'm trying to say is that if we miss a day it'll be ok. Besides we won't because I just thought of an idea."

I grabbed Arin's wallet and keys.

"Why don't I finish up the rest of the recordings today doing some Dan episodes and you take a breather and go sleep at home." I said as I put this things in his lap.

I looked at Arin's face. It was hard to pinpoint how exactly what he was feeling. He looked nervous but also a little scared? His mouth moved like he wanted to say something but he just couldn't justify to argue.

"I promise I won't break anything, I've done this many times before."

Arin leaned up slightly from the paper but you could tell that he was trying to hide his face with his hair.

"It's not that."

I looked at him quizilly.

"What is it then."

I could tell Arin was starting to tense up as he got really nervous, his hand just playing with the pencil he picked up. His leg also started to bounce, another nervous tick he had. I put my hand on his leg which made him jump a little but his leg stopped bouncing as much soon after.

"Arin are you ok?"

"I..I uh..." Arin's breathing started to pick up. I could tell what this was right after that. I didn't know what was so worrying to him but it's enough to start giving him a panic attack. He's made it to his breaking point.

"Shh, shh, hey it's ok. You don't have to tell me. It's alright. Here, do you want a hug?"

Arin looked at me and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. It broke my heart. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. He started crying right after but I didn't stop him. I let him let it all out now. At first it was soft but it started to get worst. I tried to just tell him that everything was alright and that he was ok. I have no idea if it worked though. Soon enough after a long minute or so of comforting words and tight hugs he got quieter and quieter. By the end we were just holding onto each other in the quiet of the room. All that could be heard was little sniffles from the big man.

"...hey Dan?"

"Yes big cat?" I asked while gently rubbing circles into his back.

"Can I stay here with you? Like.. can I just lay here while you play whatever game you want? I-... I don't want to be alone right now."

I could hear his voice start to waver towards the end of his statement.

So that's what it is. He doesn't want to be alone. He has no one to go home to at night. I get that, I'm the exact same way. The difference is that I'm used to this kind of thing. Meanwhile this is new for Arin. Him and Suzy split ways after he found out he was gay. It wasn't a bad end to their relationship in any way. It actually ended quite well. But Suzy and Arin both knew they couldn't live in the same place anymore and it wasn't big enough for them to be roommates. Not to mention how awkward it'd be. So Suzy found a new place. She still works with us. But now Arin is alone, every night he comes as home he isn't greeted by family or friends, no boyfriend or husband. And it hurts him. No wonder he works almost 24/7.

I patted his back and pulled away from our long hug. His face was red and his eyes were all puffy, yet they were still as beautiful as they day I first saw them.

"Of course Ar, I don't mind at all. You can lay on my lap if you want and just listen to me play a stupid video game."

He nodded his head and gave a small smile.

"Thank you Danny, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I wiped his tears away and smiled back. So much of me had to hold back in this moment. I wanted to kiss him to let him know how much I truly care about him. But I knew better than that. I don't want to freak him out again. Instead I tried to lighten the mood.

"You'd be playing a shitty game for two hours is what."

Arin snickered showing some of his pretty smile.

"You're such a smartass." He stated before laying his head down in my lap again.

"Only to you," I said softly laughing to myself. I knew it was cliche but I couldn't help it.

"But really though, thank you Danny."

I look down at Arin with his eyes closed contently.

"No problem Arin, I love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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