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(So it's been like 2-3 years but um, hi again. Sorry about that. I'm gonna try and type a cute story though I'm not sure what it's gonna look like yet but I'm ready.)

I looked outside of the window of the grump office seeing that it was raining though I didn't really mind it. Rain was always kind of calming to me. It was pretty to look at, and I loved just standing in it. That's why a big smile grew on my face when I saw it pouring out there. I quickly went to the front door and grabbed my jacket and without saying a word I stepped outside to the chill breeze. The smell of rain heavy in the air. I walked forward to let it rain on my face listened carefully to my surroundings. Suddenly I hear the door open behind me and I see Arin standing there.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing out here? You do realize it's raining right."

Dan was going to respond but in that second he saw how beautiful the man looked before him in the rain. Water fell softly down his hair and face, his eyes sparkled against the sky, and his clothes stuck to him closer which showed Dan a bit more of what was under his shirt. Regaining his conciseness he finally speaks.

"Yeah I know, but it's beautiful isn't it. You know it never rains here and rainy weather is one of my favorites," Dan replies turning around to look at the sky. Arin nods in agreement and walked next to the other.

"I guess you're right, we should just enjoy this," Arin stated before laughing a bit after words.

"What's so funny?" Dan asked.

"This," was all Arin said before stomping harshly on a puddle of water making the both of them wet.

"Agh- Arin you ass!" Dan laughed as he jumped away from the muddy water. Dan then hopped into the puddle next to him to get the other back.

"Hey no, that's not fair!" Arin sarcasticly wined.

"What do you mean that's not fai-," another splash has hit both of the men as Arin stepped into a puddle. By the end of it they were soaked and covered in mud. Needless to say, they messed up. By the time they got inside again everyone saw the two and immediately told them to wash up. They didn't want the office to get dirty. And they told them to hurry so that they can shoot the next power hour.

I felt so embarrassed for making a mess of myself but at the same time me and Arin had fun. When I was walking to my car to go take a shower Arin stopped me.

"Yknow if you want you can just shower at my place."

"Why would I do that?" Dan asked.

"I dunno, it would be faster cause my house is a lot closer than yours."

"I guess so, as long as you don't mind."

So we got into his car together and went to his home. I have spent a lot of time at his house but it's actually been a while since then. His place is so beautiful to look at. He told me that he would go first while I could do whatever. Giving him the thumbs up he went up stairs to his bathroom. Now lemme explain something. I swear that this doesn't normal sweep my mind but my first thoughts as I sat there and waited for Arin was how he would look in the shower. I didn't want to think about that at the moment but remembering him in the rain left little to the imagination in that shirt. And man did he want to see it. Arin has been working on losing weight and it's paid dividends. Of course he's not all muscle but that's what I loved about him. He was still a little pudgy in the middle but he had the biceps to I dunno, hold a man down. That thought was a bad one. Suddenly I realized that Arin was taking a long time in the shower. I decided to go check on him. And even though in my head I wasn't expecting anything, I was maybe slightly a little bit hoping I could what Arin really looked like under that shirt. When I got to the bedroom door I knocked and got no reply so I slowly opened the door and peeked in to see if I could see anyone. No one was there so I walked inside the room and went to his bathroom and knocked again.

"Yes?" I heard from inside

"Arin you're taking forever in there."


"I need to also shower and you're taking a long time!"

"What? I can't hear you, just come in!"

I blushed harshly as i stared at the door. I knew Arin would be behind a curtain and everything but it still made me flustered

I quietly opened the bathroom door and walked in the room. It was kind of nice actually because of the warmth of the steam. It was really cold outside. I looked up to see Arin was behind a curtain as I predicted but I could still kind of see through it. It was only kind of see through though as I could only see his basic shape.

"I-I just wanted to say that i also needed to shower and you were taking a long time."

"Sorry about that I do just tend to take a long shower" Arin peered around the corner of the shower curtain and looked at me. "If you really need to and you're comfortable with it, you can just join me." That stopped me in my tracks that I wasn't even creating. I couldn't stop the heat rising to my cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry wha-what?"

"I mean I don't want us to get in trouble or anything and it would be faster if you just got in here with me. Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No no you're fine! I just, I mean I've never even seen you naked."

"Well there's always a time for first." Arin nonchalantly replied.

I was really debating on my head weather or not this was some kind of joke but there was no hint of it in Arin's tone or face.

"I mean, o-ok."

"Wait really?" Arin asked with what I could have sworn was excitement in his eyes.

"I mean yeah, what's the worst that could happen?" I was so nervous but at the same time so excited.

"Alright well, strip for me big boy."

"Never say that to me again," I responded with a slight laugh in my voice. I shakily took off my socks, then my shirt, my pants, and by the time I got to my underwear I was very nervous. There was a obvious bulge there that I didn't want him seeing. Nonetheless I slipped those off too. After that I grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it to the side a little as I got in the shower. I didn't really look at Arin, in fact I turned my back to him.

"Dan, you know you don't have to hide right? I mean, though I haven't seen you naked, I'm not here to judge."

I sighed as I turned around, " well sure but that doesn't mean it's easy-." I cut my self off though as I looked at the man in front of me. God he was beautiful. I started from the top and worked my way down, looking at his toned chest, to his thick hips and ending at his manhood. It was about average but it helped in girth. That being said, it surely didn't help that Dan hadn't seen a penis other than his own in real life. And Arin was as hard as he was right now.

I looked back up at Arin's face feeling bad for staring for so long but saw him staring back at me in my lower region. When Arin's gaze looked back at mine he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry," was all he said as he grabbed the shampoo. He put some in his hand and then handed the bottle to me and I did the same.  Suddenly though I felt Arin's hands in my hair making me turn red again.

"I-uh," was all I said as he washed my scalp. I really wasn't complaining though. I fact I really enjoyed it.

(And ima stop it there for now, let's see what I do for a part two)

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