The Ice-Cream Man

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Dan's POV

Me and my friend Ross were sitting inside working on some high school project when Toby heard a jingle down the street.

"Yo Dan can we get some Icecream?"

"Ross were teenagers not children, we don't need Ice cream from the ice cream man. We can pick some up later."

"Buuuuutttttt Ddddddaaannnnn" Ross complained. I looked at him and sighed.

"Fine but we can't take long, we have to finish this today".

"Yessss" Ross  said before going out of my room.

"WAIT UP"! I yelled at him.

I ran downstairs as well to see Ross heading outside.

"Geez man do you need Icecream that bad"!

"No but you do!" He said with a giggle before he headed out the door completely.

"What?" I asked in confusion before  following him.

I went out the door and looked to where I heard the jingle. There's something that's he's planning I just know it. I thought in my head before I started to catch up with him. Once I did we were already there, the truck stopped in front of us. There was a huge grin on Ross' face.

The truck opened up and I saw crush from school. H-how did he know?

The truck driver noticed I was blushing. Fuck you Ross!

"The summer heat really looks like it's getting to ya, what kind of Icecream do you want?"

I stood there frozen and didn't move.

"How about a hot fudge sundae?" The handsome person in the truck asked me. A corny flirt went through my head, or I thought it did.

"You put the 'hot' in hot fudge sundae". I laughed to myself totally oblivious to the fact I said it out loud.

"Excuse me"? The man asked his face red as well.

I look up from the side walk and laugh nervously.

"Wow Dan I didn't think you had it in you to say that kind of thing"!

"D-did I say that out loud?! I-I meant that I would like one yes!"

"Alright sir hold on let me get that for you".

Ross looked at me with a smug face.

"How did you know that I liked-".

"Shhh he's coming back"!

"Alright here you go!"


"And here's your receipt"!

Wait you don't get receipt from an ice cream you?

I took it and looked at Ross.

"I thought you wanted ice cream?"

"Nah I don't feel like it now" he giggled as I gave him a 'really' look.

"We'll have a nice day Arinnnnn" Ross said in a exaggerated voice. "Danny's boyfriend!"

"What Ross?!" I said angry at him. I sighed.

"We need to get back home, Now!"

"Alright alright let's go"!

Me and Ross started walking back and I looked over at my receipt to see if it was official. My eyes widened as I read it.

You should call me at sometime
;) ~Arin 394-849-5203

"Hey look at that you got the guys number!" Ross said with a laugh.

"How did you know I liked him?"

"Well by the fact you blushed when he walks by you in the halls annnndddd I may or may not have read your journal."


"What I only read the part labeled 'My Frist Gay Crush'-".

I hugged him.

"Well I do hate you for reading my stupid journal but the fact you set this up was amazing". I stopped hugging him. "Now I can actually have a gay boyfriend". I said with a little chuckle.

"What we're the rest of your boyfriends not gay?"

"Shut up Ross!"


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