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Babysitter Dan

I looked up at him with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry Danny, I-I-".

I ran up and hugged him.

"I did it, I peed in your bed, please forgive me, I'm so sorry!," I cried into his chest.

"Arin," Dan said in a soft monotone voice. "I'm not mad or even upset for what you did."

I looked at him oddly.

"But-But you said-."

"I said you wouldn't get in trouble if you told the truth, plus you did nothing wrong. That right there-"
Dan pointed at the bed. "-is just a part of growing up. The reason I got upset was because now I got no where to sleep for tonight.

Little 10 year old Arin looked up hopefully.

"Y-You can sleep in my bed."

"Oh no, that's your-."

"I don't mind, I like sleeping on the floor anyways!"

"Fine but we're gonna have to build you a fort to sleep in."


Arin ran into his with Dan behind. That night Atom didn't pee the floor, he was happy now that Dan was here. Babysitter Dan.

( Wow that was stupid! Lets move on.)

Off To War

"ARIN, NO!", I screamed painfully as my husband was pulled out of the room. Hot tears started running down my face like a waterfall. I couldn't bare to see him die in a war, even if his father fought before him. It felt wrong like he'd never come back. I stayed on the floor for a while, not moving, hoping Arin would come back and say it was all a joke, but no dice. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder.

"He's doing it for all of us Dan, so we can be free in this world."

"But what if he doesn't come back Ross! W-What if he's shot out there in the chest and no ones there to save him. What if I lose him forever..."

Ross grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

"Dan, he'll be one of the best fighters out there and he won't die, you wanna know why? Because he would never leave you no matter what even if he didn't have a choice and the best doctors ever are going to be out there if he gets hurt. They aren't gonna let him die. He loves you Dan, you just gotta believe in him.

Tears kept falling from my face as I nodded and jumped up to hug Ross.

"Thank you", I said quietly as Ross patted my back.

( So sad...OK NEXT! This one sucks really bad btw )

"Ross don't you dare!", Dan yelled. He jumped up off the couch and grabbed his arm.

"If Arin finds out we might not be friends anymore. Please...don't tell him."

Ross sighed as he walked back to the couch, "your no fun".

Dan sta nest to him and stared at the screen when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Arin<3- You and Ross come to Wendys with me and Suzy

Dan- Which one?

Arin<3- The one on third, we have a surprise!

Dan- Okay then

"Arin and Suzy want us to meet them at Wendys. Apparently they have a surprise."

Ross and I got up and went into my car. As we were driving there I wondered what the surprise was.

-Stupid Tiiiiime Skiiiiip-

As we were eating I noticed how happy Suzy was.

"So what's the surprise?," Ross asked.

Suzy giggled as she showed us her hand which and a small diamond ring on it.

"Me and Arin are engaged!" she said happily.

I smiled uneasily and nodded. "That's great!," I said even though it felt forced

Ross looked at me with concern and Arin noticed.

"Hey Dan you ok?," Arin asked.

I looked to the side

"Yeah I just don't feel too well...I'm gonna go."

I got up from the booth as I thought the torture bound to happen at Arin's and Suzy's wedding.

( Well that sucked NEXT )

I took the slip of paper and put it into his locker but when I turned around to leave he was there, staring at me confusingly.

"What are you doing?" he asked

Suddenly I went numb, my face turned red and I felt as if I was shaking all over.

"I uh, we I mean-" I laughed a bit.

"N-Nothing,"'I said as I walked away quickly.

No ones POV now lol

Dan opened his lock to find a note inside of it. It read:

Hey, I somehow wanted to tell you that I like you. I know this is a weird way of telling you but in too scared to say anything around you. My name is Arin and if you want to reply my locker number is 1020, thanks
Arin Hanson

Dan looked at the back of the note to see nothing on there. So he took his pencil out of his binder and replied:

Arin, sounds like a cute name. Maybe if I got to know you more we can hang out sometime ;)
Dan Avidan

He folded the paper then put it in his pocket and grabbed his coat. He turned down the other hall to Arins locker and put the note in there. Little did he know that note was gonna change his life.

The End

( Thank you guys so much for reading these! It took time to copy them down from my paper but I was able to do it without dying so lol )

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