A week before their high school graduation, Ellie's boyfriend walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight, just like any other night. But there was nothing ordinary about what followed. Austin disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again...
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Ten years earlier
"I can't believe that this time next week we'll be getting ready to graduate," I exclaimed.
We were exactly one week away from our high school graduation. It was exciting and felt a bit unbelievable. I was looking forward to it being over, but I knew many of our friends were dreading this last week. It wasn't like we were drowning in school work or doing anything, really. That wasn't why. For me, the thought of it being done was exciting, but for many of my friends there was an uncertainty about leaving all the safety that high school had been behind. It was a big step to close that chapter and move on to new things. Bigger and better things, like college, and a life with Austin.
I couldn't wait.
"Believe it, babe." Austin's smile was on full display, which showcased his straight white teeth. "We're almost done."
I stretched out on the blanket we'd spread out on the grass in the park downtown and sighed. It was early evening, but the temperature was still hot. The large trees, which gave shade during the day, barely moved in the slight breeze.
The park was a popular hangout not just for the teens in the town, but also for families. A large, open green space in the middle of the park was the perfect place to throw a ball around, which was exactly what Austin's friends were doing. There was a playground at the other end of the park and a walking trail that wrapped around the park where little kids learned how to ride their bikes or people walked with their dogs.
Usually, the park was full of laughter, but because it was getting close to dinnertime, there weren't that many families around. An elderly couple walked a small dog along the walking path and a few other couples were spread out on blankets enjoying ice cream or just chilling the way Austin and I were.
I was very happy as I licked the melting strawberry ice cream from the cone. It felt like everything I'd been looking forward to was finally happening. My dreams were within reach. The new chapter, the one where Austin and I spent our future together, was just around the corner.
"One week," I repeated.
"Mm-hm," Austin agreed.
"Then we have the entire summer together."
Austin leaned down and kissed my lips instead of responding. His lips were cool and tasted of the chocolate ice cream he'd just devoured.
"God, can the two of you stop for one minute?" Alex Austin's younger brother groaned. He came up to our blanket with a football in his hands. Billy and Rick and a couple of guys from school had been throwing the ball around when we got to the park when we all got there. Austin and I went to get ice cream, but Alex had chosen to join them instead of going with us.
"We're not doing anything," I responded.
Alex rolled his eyes that were the exact same color as his brothers.