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"Another two beers, please," my sister said to the attractive male bartender that catered to our side of the bar

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"Another two beers, please," my sister said to the attractive male bartender that catered to our side of the bar. We'd already had two each, and I was beginning to feel the effects. But this time I welcomed them. I'd take anything to dull the disappointment and pain I felt after a long, shitty week.

The phone call with William had been the worst, and that was what took the week of normal frustration to the next level. I was convinced that he was Austin when I hung up, despite the fact that he said he wasn't. I felt certain that he lied about it on the phone. It had sounded just like him even though he tried to distort his voice. Just the way I remembered...

My heart had broken into a million pieces all over again. I spent the entire evening crying into my pillow with Selma curled up at my back.

Aubrey decided once she dragged the truth about the call out of me that we needed a girls' night out. I didn't feel up to it, but my sister has a stubborn streak and wouldn't take no for an answer. She got our parents to babysit Brielle since Brian was working and came and picked me up.

We went to a local bar. It wasn't really a dive bar, but not a classy establishment, either. More of a local, worn hangout, but the beer was cheap, the wings decent, and the music was loud.

I drained the rest of my beer and reached for the new bottle the bartender placed in front of me.

"He's cute, isn't he?" Aubrey asked and nodded towards the dark-haired bartender with the big blue eyes.

"Yeah." He was, but he looked young. Like college age. Way too young for me, in case I was looking for something, which I wasn't.

And why was that?

It wasn't like Austin William was interested. He'd made it pretty clear on the phone that he didn't know me, even though I thought he was lying. And why would he? A lot had changed in ten years. He might be married.

And Jeff... yeah, that was over, too.

I really didn't know what I was doing at all when it came to my personal life. I was single, so technically I could do whatever I wanted, including taking the cute bartender home. If he was interested, that was. And I truly didn't think he was looking for anything but good tips.

But what difference did it make if he was into me? It wasn't like he was relationship material. He was probably still trying to pass his college classes while I should be looking for a husband. Like Austin.

Damn it. I groaned out loud. What the hell was wrong with me? Why couldn't I let it go?

Aubrey giggled next to me, so I took another deep swallow of the beer.

Maybe I was wrong about everything and had spent the last few weeks searching for nothing. It had been a long time since high school. Things had certainly changed. People had changed, and I had definitely changed.

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