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"You look happier," my brother commented with a grin on his face when I walked downstairs with my carry-on suitcase in one hand and my wallet in the other

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"You look happier," my brother commented with a grin on his face when I walked downstairs with my carry-on suitcase in one hand and my wallet in the other.

I made a face, and he laughed. "That's okay, you can thank me for the suggestion later."

"Yeah, yeah..."

He had been right in pushing me to go. I'd been down in a dark place and the thought of spending a long weekend alone in a hotel room with Ellie was just the right solution. He'd recognized it before I did and I appreciated that and him in ways I couldn't express.

I put the suitcase down and turned towards the kitchen. I had a seven-hour car ride ahead of me and wanted to bring both some snacks and water bottles, as well as a big cup of coffee.

"Do you want some more coffee?" I asked my brother, who was back to typing away on his keyboard, so I'd know how many cups to make.


I filled Bear's water bowl while I waited for the coffee to finish brewing. It felt a little strange to leave him and brother behind. The last time I'd been away from them overnight was at the conference in St Louis, where I saw Ellie again.

"You be a good boy for Sport, you hear me?" I said to Bear and got a head tilt in response but that was good enough for me. I gave him a quick head scratch and filled my to go cup.

"Text me when you get there," my brother said as he took the coffee cup I offered him.

"I will."

"And stay alert. It's been quiet, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything."

I chuckled because he lectured me like I wasn't aware.

"I know, Sport."

"Yeah." He rubbed his hand over his forehead. "I know you do. Just be careful, alright?"

"I will."

I gave him a hug and after giving Bear a good bye belly rub I was off for a solo car trip.

It was a long drive, but I loved being alone on the open road. Just me, the stereo and the hum of the engine. I felt so free for the first time in a very long time.

And excited.

And a bit worried.

Both about the potential of being discovered and about spending an entire weekend alone with Ellie. There were so many things that could go wrong.

I was vigilant and kept an eye on my surroundings like I was used to, but nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary.

As for Ellie, I just wanted us to get along as well as we did in high school. Our Maine weekend had been amazing, and I needed to know that it hadn't just been a fluke. Something caused by the high adrenaline from being chased or from being forced into such close proximity. I needed to know that there was something there.

I'd spent over ten years wondering what it would be like to get another shot with her. Now that it was within reach, I didn't want to blow it.

I arrived at the hotel about an hour before Ellie's plane was scheduled to land, which gave me enough time to plan the perfect evening for us. Or as much as I could without drawing attention to myself.

The hotel room had an old world feel to it. Heavy drapery in golds and deep red framed the tall windows. The center of the room comprised a massive king-size bed with a comforter that matched the curtains. There was a small sitting area off to the side with two large wingback chairs, a small table, and a narrow but long desk. The setting was elegant without being over the top and I hoped Ellie liked it because I planned on spending a lot of time in it.

I ordered dinner for both of us to be delivered at eight. A pasta dish for her and chicken for me, or the other way around, if she preferred. I didn't care what I ate, I just wanted to be with her.

I'd stopped on the way and picked up a box of her favorite chocolates, a six pack of beer and a bottle of champagne. After putting the champagne on ice, I made sure the door was locked, and secured. I sent a quick text to my brother letting him know I arrived, and went to shower.

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