Phone calls

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Two more days without any kind of response from Austin and I'd had enough

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Two more days without any kind of response from Austin and I'd had enough. I'd worked myself up and was beyond aggravated with the entire situation. There had been no further sightings of any suspicious people, and I'd stuck with my workout program and kept changing my routine, like I'd been told. But the non existing contact with Austin had me fuming.

I was done waiting for him to call or text. At the rate he was moving, we'd both be retired by the time he came around to it. If, and that was a big if, he came around to it at all.

It was time for me to take charge of the situation. Again.

I drained the beer I'd been drinking and made myself comfortable on the couch, just to change my mind a couple of minutes later. I got up and grabbed another beer. When I returned to the couch, Selma had taken over my spot.

"Seriously girlfriend," I muttered, but she didn't bother to move or do anything other than give me a bored look.

"You are so spoiled, Selma," I told her like she cared, and sat down in the armchair instead.

I huffed out a sigh and glared at my phone like that would make it ring. It didn't, of course.

Aubrey had suggested, and by that I mean she ordered me, more or less, to tell Austin exactly what it was I wanted. Well, the short answer to that was him.

It was just that he was a stubborn, pigheaded man. This time around, I was not going to give him a break. I was going to call until he answered. Damn it. 

I grabbed the phone and dialed his number.

It rang four times, and I was getting more and more aggravated that he kept avoiding me when he finally answered. "Hi Ellie. Hold on..."

"Austin," I snapped and was on my feet, no longer able to sit still. "Don't you dare put me on hold. I've been so worried and I'm sick and tired of not hearing from you."

I kind of surprised myself with how angry I was about all of it.


"We said we were going to try this time around, but you're not trying!" I accused him, even though it seemed to be true. "You've been ignoring me for weeks."


"You told me you loved me when we were in Memphis, but people who love each other stay in touch, Austin."

"Ellie, just hold..."

"No." I didn't let him interrupt that time either, and just continued, "You better not have lied about that. I know it wasn't just a fuck fest." I drew in a shaky breath, suddenly feeling a bit insecure and unsteady on my feet. What if I was completely wrong?

"It was more than that," I told him and hoped it was true. "We acted like we were married, and you..."

"Um, Ellie?" He interrupted, which was followed by a small chuckle, and heat flooded my cheeks. I was suddenly mortified. I knew what was coming before he said another word. "Let me get him for you. He's in the backyard with Bear."

I've never in my life pressed the end call button faster than I did when I realized what I'd just told Alex.

"Oh sweet Jesus."

The phone fell to the floor, and I groaned into my hands. Then I couldn't help but laugh at my fucked up life.

So much for taking charge of the situation.

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