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Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

Riding with the wave of the luscious words, Jethro found himself under the creamy glow of the moon, flowers in hand, and smiling at his beloved Ava. Her hazel eyes had gleamed back at him like the twinkle of the stars and just when she brought forward her hands to take the flowers... everything went dark.

The smell of the flowers filled the night and soon a wild wind surged and blew away the sweet scent. Frightening thunders rumbled in the darkness, calling for a big rain and when the light finally returned, Jethro found himself bolting down an endless road while his voice yelled back at Ava, telling her to keep running as they sought to evade their unseen pursuer.

And suddenly, everything went dark again.

It went silent too, with all Jethro could hear was his pounding heartbeat as he sat under a window awning and stared at the sullen sky. He gave a warm smile when he saw Ava was right beside him and just as he closed his eyes in relief, he felt something creeping up his face.


He startled up from his sleep and then moaned some offensive words as he saw the cat lunge towards the window.

"Heck, gotta kill this bitch soon." He groaned angrily and groped the wall to flick the bulb on.

"You should rather kill your desires for those scary movies." He heard the familiar voice rasp into the fresh morning air as soon as the room was flooded with light. His old woman, Mother T, was standing beside the window with her cat gently perched on her shoulder.

"Your cat is even scarier than those movies." He argued and fingered the scratch around his eyes. He felt a sharp pain and muttered some angry words again.

"But my cat is Kitty, not Ava." Mother T chuckled and her cat purred at the sound of her name.

For a minute, Jethro stared at the two like a trapped rat. Breathless, he wondered how Mother T had known about Ava.

"Ava?" He finally regained his breath and faked a frown.

"You watched any Ava in one of your ugly movies?" Mother T questioned back and he wanted to nod a ' yes ' but his head went inexplicably stiff. He wasn't a good liar.

He just bit his lower lip and waited for the woman to end the suspense. How had she known about Ava?

"I heard you screaming Ava run, Ava run, from your dream. And then you're breathing so heavily."

Jethro's jaw dropped as Mother T narrated his wild act. He had said those words out of his dream. What a jerk he was. His eyes bulged in amazement and the words, "oh my", unconsciously flew out of him.

"You really need to stop those scary movies." Mother T concluded gloomily and just as he took a sigh of admission, the unmistakable thin voice was already coming up from the door.

"That isn't a movie effect, Mum." It was Rose, his sister speaking, "I know the Ava he was screaming from his dream." She snickered and gave a naughty wink at her infuriated brother.

"Jeez...you should be preparing for school instead." Jethro found himself snarling as he was about to be exposed by his silly sister.

"Yes, she should, since that is not coming from someone who's still calmly sat on his bed at past seven." Mother T rather dished out a heavy sarcasm that got him frustrated.

"Mum!" He yelled, hurt that his little sister had just won. That was ascertained by the teasing laughter she was giving at the moment.

"You should get up and get ready for school." Mother T yelled back and he could only shake his head in pained defeat.

"We really need to be two men in this house." He growled.

"Men? Like we have one presently?" Rose gave her last shot before rushing out of the door. Mother T wanted to say a warning to her but then could not help laughing as the girl scurried out of sight. It was when her eyes struck with Jethro's reddened face that she managed to stifle it.

"Mum, honestly, I hate your daughter." Was what Jethro could spit at that moment before moving hurriedly into the bathroom to avoid hearing the woman's ' we are one happy family ' song.

Hey friends!

Hope you enjoy reading the prologue and a question to ask you.

Do you also have a little sister or brother like Rose who would always tease you? Or you're that little one who will always give your big siblings those annoying and yet funny moments?

Have some memories like this? Of course, I have a little sister who gives me moments like this too (laughs)

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